Beast Over Flowers (1/?)

Aug 07, 2010 01:27

Title : Beast Over Flowers (1/?)
Author: shasha717
Pairing : Dooseob (Main) / Eventual Junseung
Rating : PG-13
Summary : Yang Yoseob enters the Shinhwa High where he meets F4, Yong Junhyung, Son Dongwoon, Lee Kikwang and the last but not least, our almighty Yoon Doojoon.

A/N : This is kinda old stuff, I’ve only posted it on B2STRISING but I figured to post it in LJ too :)

The annoying sound of his alarm clock was what woke him up from his beauty sleep. He attempted to reach for the snooze button, but failed miserably as the clock was knocked onto the floor. He took a peek to the poor alarm on the floor; it read 06:00 AM. A groan escaped his lips and he took up his blanket to his face, snuggling to the pillow, a thought of ‘5 minutes more shouldn’t matter’ and transformed into a cocoon sleepy-head.

“YANG YOSEOBB!! Do you really want to be late for your first day in high school?”

An alarm clock combined with his mother nagging to wake him up. What a great way to start the day.

His door was slammed open, revealing a thirty eight years old ajhumma who looked rather like a teenage girl than a mother of two children. She tugged on the blanket furiously, while his son just mumbled incoherent words to her.

He put up quite a fight but it really wasn’t fair because his mother possessed the amount of strength he didn’t have in just the time of waking up; resulting the cold air hitting his cold feet because the loss contact with the blanket, therefore forcing him to get up uncomfortably.

“Honey, where’s breakfast?” His father called up from downstairs, making Mrs Yang hurried out of the room with a threatening glare for his sun to hurry up.

The blonde yawned widely, a slight tear produced on the corner of his eyes, slightly regretting of staying up late last night. After getting some cold water on his face, consciousness seemed to have swooped a bit into him. A quick shower and changing into his new uniform didn’t take longer than ten minutes.

He looked into the mirror, taking a minute in to stare at himself. At the left pocket of his blouse, was sewn the words: Shinhwa.

Another sigh escaped his lips.

It was not quite the high school he hoped he attended to. He hoped for the common, normal, standard high school his best friend, Hyunseung, attend to. Yes, he know Shinhwa high is the high elite prestigious school throughout Korea. But the school was filled with rich snobs, stuck-up bitching girls who rode limos to school, showing off the newest season designer brands. Not only the girls, the boys are also into fashion. You see, Armani was quite the standard of their clothes. And they all had one thing in common. Money doesn’t matter to them.

Yoseob wasn’t exactly from a wealthy family, but they paid off. But his new uniform does cost his family flower shop’s profit in a month.

How did he get into this kind of school? The answer was simple; his insanely smart brain helped him into becoming a full scholarship student. Some called him a prodigy, but he really didn’t feel like one. He’s just lucky. Freaking lucky. It was one per million chances he got that scholarship.

Yoseob wondered a bit if selling flowers was possible in his new school. It was something he used to do in his middle school, but he quickly refused that thought, those rich snots wouldn’t want their flowers, so why even bother?

His trains of thoughts were interrupted by a squeaky voice on the door.


His eyes then darted on his younger sister, Sohyun, who is poking his head from his slightly ajar door. Frown was framing her pretty little face as a sign of concern. She knew about what his brother feel about enrolling into Shinhwa. The blonde break out onto a small smile, he grabbed his backpack and gestured his sister to follow down, the dining room, or you know, his living room. It’s multi function. Their house isn’t that big.

Mr Yang saw his son coming down the stairs, a warm smile soon tugged on his lips. “There you are! Quick have your breakfast and I’ll drive you to school.”

The blonde didn’t seem to be pleased with the idea, he knew it’s sweet, but it’s just… You know.

“Dad, you know you don’t have to drive me. I can always take the bus,” was his excuse.

His father waved his hand, shaking his head as he did so. “Ah, nonsense! It’s your first day of high school. I know we don’t have a limo for you, so at least I’ll drive with our delivery van.”

Yoseob smiled a bit, silently laughing on his insisting father. He was usually not this sweet. “Seriously, I won’t mind taking the bus, Dad.”

His mother who just appeared from the kitchen joined in his father’s voyage, “Hey, your Daddy’s right. We may not have a nice car, but we do have time to drive you. You know those rich people won’t have their parents doing this. Sending their child on their first day of high school.” She then patted his adorable blonde’s affectionately.

Yoseob snickered, his mother had a point. “Okay then.”

“Oppa, hwaiting!” Sohyun made a jjang for and wished his big brother good luck.

Yoseob knew entering the Shinhwa High is really a prestigious thing. His parents are very proud of him of being able to do so, one of many reasons he decided to accept the scholarship. His parents would brag about it to everyone they knew, well, even to the cashiers in the department stores. People would always be all-wow and praising. He grinned on the thought that at least he’s making his family happy for going into that pathetic school.

The drive was spent with silence, and a ‘wow’ and ‘waaah’ here and there while they admire the school landscapes.

“Bye Mom, Dad!” Yoseob meant a quick goodbye, no touchy or a moment was needed. But his parents thought different. They knew their son would try to run away as soon they arrived at the school, so they quickly got off the van and forced their only son into a bear-hug family, which Yoseob reluctantly complied to.

The hug lasted a little bit too long, Yoseob was feeling a little bit embarrassed as the students started to crowd the entrance. “Mom, Dad. People are staring.”

His mother squealed, “Aigoo, they’re just staring cause they’re jealous they don’t have parents who love them as much as yours love you.”

I don’t think so.

Those words were on the verge of spilling from his tongue, but he decided against it. He would suffer a starvation for two days if he did.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Yoseob managed to release the hug and waved goodbye to his parents, making his way down the beautiful road to the lobby. It was spring, the cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully. In front of the lobby, was the big school board. The blonde search for his name to find his class, but he was distracted from the shoving crowd and loud unstable fan girls.

“It’s F4!! It’s F4!!!”

The students already started crowding the entrance lobby, girls with tiny little hearts in their eyes, boys lining up too, eyes glinting with adoration. Then finally, Yoseob could see what was making the crowd into this state.

They are 4 boys catwalk-ing the red carpet of the entrance door.

The first one Yoseob spotted was a brunette with a shave on the side of his head, but long bangs slightly brushing against his sunglasses. There were shouting of ‘Junhyung-oppa! I love you!!’ and a ‘Poppin’ Dragon, you are my everything!’. Yoseob didn’t understand what that quite meant. He then saw the said person winked to the girls, which resulting some to faint at the action.

The second boy’s height was average. At least Yoseob thought the male was taller than him. He had those eye smiles which melted even Noonas’ heart. The attractive dark-haired male waved to the crowd, obviously was well trained with fanservice -ing. The shouting of some ‘Kikwang-oppa’ could be heard from around the place.

The third boy was the tallest of them all. He had some foreign looking mixed into his features. His pointed nose, but not in that witchy-way. He kind of resembles an image of Arab Prince. He was bearing a bored expression and yawned which Yoseob didn’t quite understand made the girls squealed, “Omo, even when Dongwoon-oppa is yawning, he’s SO GORGEOUS!”

The last one, Yoseob could see the tall male was the cockiest of them all. His black hair and his fierce stare had the leader charisma. What the blonde didn’t expect was a girl came up to him and blocked his way. The said male twitched a brow, obviously displeased with the blockage.

The girl took a deep breath before taking up a cake which had a writing: ‘Doojoon-oppa, will you go out with me?’

Damn, this is one brave chick.

Doojoon leaned forward as he put his face closer with the girl’s, maybe trying to get a good look on her appearance. He gave out a smile, no, a smirk. “What’s your name?”

The girl stumbled on her words, seemed to be speechless at the closeness, “I… I am… I’m Kim Rae In.”

Rae in’s heart pounded heavily as she watched her since forever crush took a bit of the cake and ate it. She saw the man savoring the flavor, but she wasn’t quite sure whether it was a good or a bad sign.

“Hmm… Delicious,” Doojoon said while licking off the cream from his fingers.

Rae in couldn’t believe what she just heard. She thought it would be impossible the F4 Leader to eat her cake. She couldn’t hide her happiness and smiled widely when a cake was shoved into her face, which erupt an ecstatic cheer from the crowd.

“That tasted like shit,” Doojoon said and walked past the girl, shoving the poor Rae in onto the floor in process.

Rae in broke into tears and the crowd booed at her and menacing laughs were resounding against the hall.

The other F4 followed suit as their leader did, totally looking indifferent as this was quite a usual scene they had to watch every day.

Yoseob gawked at the scene with horror as the crowd threw things at Rae in, and then walked off without one single person to approach her and cheer her up.

This is definitely not what Yoseob expect to witness on his very first day. Uh-oh.


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