Business and Job Applications

Jul 20, 2010 10:15

Business Application

If you would like your character to open up a business on the island, then please copy and paste the following application and fill it out in a comment here. The moderators will deliberate about each application and deliberate about whether to accept it.

To start, you character will randomly find an empty store in the shopping center or somewhere else on the island that they will be able to operate out of.

Once your business is approved, please head to the Business List and follow the instructions there.

Be sure to put in the subject line that it is a Business Application

Business Name: What you intend to call your business
Character: The character that owns the business
Business Type: What type of business it is, what you intend to have people do there
Employees? If you would like other players to be able to apply to work at your business or if you would like all of the employees to be NPC's then please list here.
Location: Please list the area that the establishment is located, whether in the shopping center or in some other unoccupied area of the island.

Business Name:
Business Type:

Job Application

In order for you character to be hired for a job on the island, first and foremost, you must permission from the owner of the business. After that, you may copy and paste the following application here. Be sure to put on the subject line that it is a Job Application.

Establishment: The name of the business you'd like your character to work at
Owner of Establishment: The character that owns the business
Permission? Whether you have permission to apply
Character: The character that is applying for the job
Position: The position that the character is applying for
Part-Time or Full-Time: Whether the character is working full or part-time

Owner of Establishment:
Part-Time or Full-Time:

!bussiness/job application

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