To friend add journals associated with Vanishing Point go
here and copy and paste the following code in the text box
Comment with the words: Friend add (Your Journal Name)
friend add vanishingmod
friend add weavingthread
friend add measuringthread
friend add cutting_thread
friend add learnfromwhores
friend add leonecuore
friend add hennachokoheika
friend add wagamama_puuu
friend add otousanlovesyou
friend add demonlordmother
friend add marukyudistrict
friend add trapdetective
friend add swordrain_alpha
friend add loreleiflame
friend add necroabyss
friend add Chane_Laforet
friend add bombadare
friend add hat_and_dagger
friend add likesmadmen
friend add teenpunk101
friend add typebdevil
friend add tracer_zara
friend add combiplay
friend add dm_puzzle
friend add suzakufeather
friend add reallyiscrazy
friend add anaprilsfool
friend add mongreldog
friend add matistama
friend add ds_papa
friend add donewithwaiting
friend add not_yet_seated
friend add satisfythedark
friend add dr_stitches
friend add lethal_otaku
friend add smarterthanbats
friend add flasheswithbats
friend add blind_grace
friend add isanovice
friend add madeyouachoker
friend add lordcarrion
friend add one_boywonder
Friend add sportstape
friend add ootorospring
friend add herr_edgeworth
friend add hatesnovices
friend add indelibledeceit
friend add chasingwisdom
friend add loserassassin
Friend add laorpriestess
Friend add canttrickme
friend add voleurdefoudre
friend add madebymagic
friend add cant_stoptrying
friend add speedallyouneed
friend add donttouchmybow
friend add busygoaway
friend add dicerloaded
friend add anothersix
friend add wellshoot
friend add wantdafeathers
friend add lookatthebook
friend add watchoutwolf
friend add sadamenohoshi
friend add talktothefinger
friend add alungfucked
friend add guardingthreads
friend add datafricanass
friend add 16thcenturyman
friend add data_doesnt_lie
friend add willfanboy4rank
friend add spazzassin
friend add herrapollo
friend add nosparkling
friend add friendzoned
friend add tsunafished
friend add marshalbadass
friend add pioggia_sudime
friend add fiammeggiare
friend add lassassinovolpe
friend add notaheroanymore
friend add thirdsquire
friend add canttouchmyTTK
friend add desablesdouble
friend add badtouchness
friend add everythingrbust
friend add takoyakistrap
friend add readytomeltdown
friend add spanking_angels
friend add donthulkout
friend add chiisainegai
friend add cutstothebone
friend add mysincereheart
friend add shock_theworld
friend add bearsnblondes
friend add paintthatwagon
friend add nottheconqueror
Friend add il_piu_vecchio
friend add faithinthecreed
friend add illusiontrident
friend add cyberspace_diva
friend add shinygoldenass
friend add betterthandick
friend add playboyhunter
friend add daftdruggy
Friend add varia_queen
friend add worthyheir
friend add wizardfalcon
To friend remove journals associated with Vanishing Point go
here and copy and paste the following code in the text box
Comment with the words: Friend Remove (Your Journal Name)
friend remove vanishingmod
friend remove weavingthread
friend remove measuringthread
friend remove cutting_thread
friend remove learnfromwhores
friend remove leonecuore
friend remove stellar_mage
friend remove hennachokoheik
friend remove wagamama_puuu
friend remove otousanlovesyou
friend remove demonlordmother
friend remove marukyudistrict
friend remove trapdetective
friend remove swordrain_alpha
friend remove loreleiflame
friend remove necroabyss
friend remove Chane_Laforet
friend remove bombadare
friend remove verita_delvino
friend remove hat_and_dagger
friend remove teenpunk101
friend remove typebdevil
friend remove tracer_zara
friend remove combiplay
friend remove suzakufeather
friend remove dm_puzzle
friend remove matistama
friend remove anaprilsfool
friend remove mongreldog
friend remove reallyiscrazy
friend remove donewithwaiting
friend remove not_yet_seated
friend remove ds_papa
friend remove lethal_otaku
friend remove dr_stitches
friend remove satisfythedark
friend remove smarterthanbats
friend remove flasheswithbats
friend remove bacchusprince
friend remove homophobe
friend remove blind_grace
friend remove madeyouachoker
friend remove isanovice
friend remove lordcarrion
friend remove one_boywonder
Friend remove sportstape
friend remove ootorospring
friend Remove herr_edgeworth
friend Remove hatesnovices
friend Remove indelibledeceit
friend Remove chasingwisdom
friend Remove loserassassin
Friend Remove laorpriestess
Friend Remove canttrickme
friend Remove voleurdefoudre
friend remove Kissushining
friend remove madebymagic
friend remove cant_stoptrying
friend remove speedallyouneed
friend remove donttouchmybow
friend remove busygoaway
friend remove dicerloaded
friend remove anothersix
friend remove wellshoot
friend remove wantdafeathers
friend remove lookatthebook
friend remove watchoutwolf
friend remove sadamenohoshi
friend remove talktothefinger
friend remove alungfucked
friend remove guardingthreads
friend remove datafricanass
friend remove data_doesnt_lie
friend remove willfanboy4rank
friend remove verita_delvino
friend remove spazzassin
friend remove herrapollo
friend remove nosparkling
friend remove friendzoned
friend remove tsunafished
friend remove marshalbadass
friend remove pioggia_sudime
friend remove fiammeggiare
friend remove lassassinovolpe
friend remove notaheroanymore
friend remove thirdsquire
friend remove canttouchmyTTK
friend remove everythingrbust
friend remove badtouchness
friend remove desablesdouble
friend remove readytomeltdown
friend remove spanking_angels
friend remove donthulkout
friend remove takoyakistrap
friend remove chiisainegai
friend remove cutstothebone
friend remove mysincereheart
friend remove shock_theworld
friend remove bearsnblondes
friend remove paintthatwagon
friend remove nottheconqueror
Friend remove il_piu_vecchio
friend remove faithinthecreed
friend remove illusiontrident
friend remove cyberspace_diva
friend remove shinygoldenass
friend remove betterthandick
friend remove playboyhunter
friend remove daftdruggy
Friend remove varia_queen
friend remove worthyheir
friend remove wizardfalcon
To friend remove dropped journals associated with Vanishing Point go
here and copy and paste the following code in the text box
Comment with the words: Friend Remove (Your Journal Name)
friend remove bacchusprince
friend remove homophobe
friend remove perpetual_liar
friend remove verita_delvino
friend remove kissushining
friend remove stellar_mage
friend remove crackabetrippin
friend remove hatesbacon
Comment here to have your character added if it hasn't been already