Dec 04, 2004 02:56
I'm so not in a good mood..i'm like not pissed off or anything and not exactly sad..but i feel lonely and it sucks fuckin donkey balls. I've been like this for like 3 days now..I fucking hate this shit. I hate being fucking single and having no one but then again i hate being fucked over by every guy that comes my way. I'm thinking way to much..been thinking about Jeff since we talked over the phone for the first time in forever the other day. He's still with Tiffany, not a surprise. They've been fighting i guess, but they always have their fights and of course it never goes as far as them breaking up. I hate being a bitch and saying i wish they would, just because Jeff is my best friend and i know how he feels about her. But i do..i do wish they would. And i know how he feels about me too which is why i want them to break up. Dude if ever comes the day when Jeff and Tiffany aren't together anymore and he comes to me like he said would happen if they were to ever break up, i would be hands down the most happiest fucking person on the face of the earth. I'm so tired right now, and should be in bed but my mind will not shut off. Tonight i hung out with Trisha, then Roy and Mike for the first time in forever..we never actually hangout anymore. We all just chilled at Trisha'a and watched season 1 of Will & Grace. And i didn't even have fun because i was to busy being off in my own little world thinking to myself about dumb shit. Why is it ever ytime i think i have found happiness it gets shot all to fuck. I'm not even going to say that all i want is to be happy anymore because it's obviously not possible for me. maybe i should say i want to be in love, because now that i think about it that hasnt happened yet....
Okay that was a big bunch of fucking rambling, if anyone just read that you rock my face off, and please comment so i feel like i dint just waste my time...
P.S - I'm fucking fat an need to lose mass amounts of weight.ew.