May 01, 2004 09:06
1. name: Diego
2. single or taken: single
3. sex: male
4. birthday: 12/12/89
6. siblings: older sis
7. hair color: black
8. eye color: Brown
9. height: 5'8
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: WAY TOO MANY TO COUNT!!!!!!
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
f a s h i o n s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: ummm bookstores, Hot Topic
2. any tattoos or piercings: nope
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: no...
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: the one in my shower???
3. what are you most scared of?: drowning
5. who is the last person that called you?: kevin
6. where do you want to get married?: hawai'i
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 17
8. what would you change about yourself?: my eye color
f a v o r i t e s
1. color: black,red,blue,green
2. food: any thing argentinean or italian, armenian pastries
3. boys names: ummmm jason, alejandro, bartolomeo
4. girls names: charisma
5. subjects in school: science, language arts
6. animals: ALL.
7. sports: i love to watch soccer but i love to play basketball
h a v e y o u e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: yes.....who? not saying
3. bungee jumped?: no but i wanna
4. made yourself throw up?: no
5. skinny dipped?: yes
6: ever been in love?: yes........amy........
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: duh when i was like 3
8. pictured your crush naked?: oh so many times
9. actually seen your crush naked?: duh!
10. cried when someone died?: nope
11. lied: yeah.
12. fallen for your best friend?: noppers
13. been rejected?: nope
14. rejected someone?: Yes.
15. used someone?: yes =-(
16. done something you regret?: yeah
c u r r e n t
clothes: black shirt, black pants
music: Lacuna Coil
make-up: none
annoyance: TV
smell: coffee
favorite group at the moment: Sugarcult
desktop picture: a lil kid giving thefinger
book youre reading: Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
in dvd player: nada
color of toenails: ummmm nothing?
l a s t p e r s o n
hugged: julie
you yelled at: my sis
you kissed: hmmmmm........
In the morning i am: tired
all i need is: my friends and my music
love is: a feeling that i have yet to experoence
i dream about: things i shouldnt say aloud.....
o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: hair, eyes, other things
last person you slow danced with: wow......ummmmmm i dont even remeber the last dance lol
worst question to ask: do u like me?
makes you laugh the most: my friends
makes you smile: My friends of course.
who do you have a crush on: amy lee, duh!
who has a crush on you: so many people say so many people do
d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: no
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: no
wish you were younger: no...
cry because someone said something to you?: ummmm i suppose
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: 0.
of hearts i have broken: several
of guys ive kissed: 0
of girls ive kissed: ummmm too many to count
of continents i have lived in: north america, south america
of times i have moved: once
of tight friends:too many to count
of cds i own: ummmm about 2 CD cases full
of scars on my body: 7
F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like filling these out?: When I'm bored.
2. gold or silver: ah, both?
3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Mean Girls w/ kevin, yasmin, and zach
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: south park
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: nothin yet
9. where are you right now?: living room
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: my friends *wink*
11. could you live without your computer?: HELL NO!
12. would you color your hair? already been done, twice
13. could you ever get off the computer?: never
14. hablas espanol? si por supuesto. que te parece? soy argentino!
15. how many people are on your buddy list?: 161.
16. drink alcohol? ummm....