Nov 21, 2005 23:19
a·pos·tro·phize (past and past participle a·pos·tro·phized, present participle a·pos·tro·phiz·ing, 3rd person present singular a·pos·tro·phiz·es)
transitive and intransitive verb
Definitions: address imaginary person: to address an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction
Syllables: a-pos-tro-phize
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb
Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation E pa strE faiz
Inflected Forms apostrophized, apostrophizing, apostrophizes
Definition 1. to address (a person, usu. absent, or a personified object or idea).
Example He apostrophized her virtue in the sonnet.
Part of Speech intransitive verb
Definition 1. to speak or write as an address to a usu. absent person or personified object or idea.
Example He often apostrophizes in his class presentations.
apostrophize (v.) - use an apostrophe
fabulous use of language