Full Name: Jennifer Elizabeth Hyland
Birthday: Nov. 2, 1984
Birthplace: Morrisville, PA
Eye Color: forest green
Hair Color: chestnut
Height: 5'9" (rounded up from 5' 8.25")
Weight: right now, about 178
Right handed or Left handed? right
Your Heritage: Irish, Polish, German, French, English
My Worst Habit: picking at my lips
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Rat
Shoe Size: Men's 10.5, Women's 11
Pants Size: 10
Innie or Outie? innie
Parents Still Together? no, but they're still friends
The Shoes You Wore Today: wearing sneakers
Your Weakness: peanut butter and chocolate
Your Fears: deep open water, becoming schizophrenic, becoming paralyzed or other similar tragedy
Your Perfect Pizza: Pizza Hut pan pizza w. bacon
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: reach 140 lbs
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: ...
Thoughts First Waking Up: "What time is it?"
Your Best Physical Feature: smile :-D
Your Bedtime: between 7:30pm and 8:30pm, but 9:00pm on Fridays
Your Most Missed Memory: can't remember ;-P
Favorite color? blues
Food? birthday/wedding cake
Sport? bowling!!!
Animal? butterflies
Ice Cream? anything Turkey Hill
Candy? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Store? Barnes & Noble, duh
Salad Dressing? Chipotle Ranch
Actor? Steve Buscemi and Johnny Depp
Song? "It's My Life (It's Now or Never)"
Letter? Q
Number? 144
Gum? Icebreakers
Holiday? Thanksgiving
Season? yes
Toothpaste Flavor? Crest Prohealth Cinnamon
Radio Station? Q 101.9
Perfume? CK One
Scent besides perfume? natural musk
Body part on the opposite sex? forearms :-)
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? psychology researcher/professor at a university
How Do You Want To Die? would rather not obsess over that
Turn ons: lots of things
Turn offs: lots of things
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You? Sarah
Who's The Loudest? probably Sarah, or else Megan
Who Makes You Laugh The Most? Sarah
Who Have You Known The Longest? Chris Morgan (18 years)
Who's The Shyist? one of the Nathans, probably
When Have You Cried The Most? when I had to drop RMS II last Fall
What Is The Best Feeling In The World? true love
Worst Feeling? rejection
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? Morrisville, PA
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be? don't know
How Long Do You Think You'll Live? don't know, hopefully til I'm 126, but I doubt I'll make it past 80-something
Let's walk on the sand together.
Let's look at the moon together.
What a nice lovely Monday morning.
Where did all the birds go?
Why can't we all just get along?
Silly, little childish girl.
Isn't it weird that we all dressed the same today?
Never under any circumstance underestimate the power of the human mind.
I wish I could fly.
Everyone has a dream.
I am woman.
Been In Love? twice
Been To Juvie? no
Mooned Someone? lol, no. well, okay, yes: the camera.
Been Rejected? twice
Ran Away From Home? yes
Pictured Your Crush Naked? who hasn't pictured their crushes naked?
Skipped School? yes
Thought About Suicide? yes
Slept Outside? yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried? many times :-)
Cried In School? more than twice
Thrown Up In School? no
Wanted To Be a Model? yes, briefly
Cheated On Someone? no
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today? haven't we all? yes.
Seen A Dead Body? not in person
Been Bitched Out? yeah, but I've also bitched other people out so it's even
Drank Alcohol? yes
Smoked? no
Been On Drugs? nothing illegal
Eaten Sushi? no
Been On Stage? yes, and I loved it
Gone Skinny Dipping? not yet
Shoplifted? no comment
Been Drunk? yes
Been Called A Tease? only by myself, but it's all lip service ;-)
Been Beaten Up? no
Swear? fuck, yes. I mean no.
Sing Well? only if I match the harmony, otherwise no. I can chant well, though.
Shower Daily? almost
Want To Go To College? no, but I AM attending university. there's a difference.
Want To Get Married? yes
Believe In Yourself? sometimes
Get Motion Sickness? only on buses and boats bigger than a canoe
Think You Are Attractive? with clothes on, yes. with them off, not a fucking chance in the world unless you're only counting from the collar bone up.
Get Along With Your Parents? Dad, yes. Mother, no.
Like Thunderstorms? hell yeah!
Play An Instrument? Bb baritone, trumpet, recorder, kazoo
Own An IPOD? iPod NANO, yes
Pray? yes
Go To Church? I go to "church", not church. I'm an Existentialist Pantheistic Unitarian Universalist Jew. I also go to synagogue.
Sleep With Stuffed Animals? no, but I sleep with my baby blanket on the floor next to my bed. if I'm really having a hard time, I'll sleep with it next to my pillow.
Keep A Journal/Diary? yes
Dance In The Rain? yes
Sing In The Shower? no
Pepsi or Coke? coke
McDonald's or Burger King? McDonald's fries, Burger King's sandwiches
Single or Group Dates? single
Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate-peanutbutter or vanilla bean
Strawberries or Blueberries? yes
Meat or Veggies? sometimes yes, sometimes no
TV or Movie? TV at home, movies at the theatre
Guitar or Drums? drums
Adidas or Nike? New Balance
Chinese or Mexican? Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? Corn Flakes
Cake or Pie? cake
MTV or VH1? NO
Blind or Deaf? deaf
Boxers or Briefs? briefs
Do The Splits? no
Write With Both Hands? yes, but not very well with my left
Whistle? yes, since I was 7
Blow A Bubble? yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle? no
Cross Your Eyes? ouch (yes)
Walk With Your Toes Curled? I usually do. the question is whether or not I can walk with them uncurled
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose? no
Dance? I can fake it pretty well
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry? NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO
You Touched: someone at "church", we hugged and shook hands
You Talked To On The Phone: my dad
You Instant Messaged: god it was so long ago, I can't remember
You Hugged: someone at "church"
You Yelled At: my mother
You Played A Sport With: probably bowling w. my aunt and/or brother
Time You Laughed? minutes ago
Time You Cried? days ago
Movie You Watched? "Prairie Home Companion"
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed? eeew, IceBreakers Dragonfruit. it was bitter.
Joke You Told? can't remember, but it was definitely something clever
Song You've Sung? something at "church" last Sunday, a hymn
Where Are You? Rice Library
What Can You See Out Your Window? a tree
Are You Listening To Music? no
What Are You Wearing? clothes. see previous survey.
What's On Your Mousepad? don't use one
Do you believe there is life on other planets? yes
Do you believe in miracles? maybe
Magic? no
Love at first sight? only if it lasts
God? Great Nature, you can call it god if you want
Satan? no
Ghosts? yes
Santa? yes (really, I seriously do)
Evolution? yes. there's no scientific evidence for creation, whereas there is boundless scientific evidence for evolution (including scientific experiments conducted TODAY with valid and reliable results). You want to call belief in something for which there is no evidence "faith"? Well, listen to me, I put my faith in what makes sense, and to me, science makes sense.
Fav Eye Color: glacier blue
Fav Hair Color: dark brown
Short or Long Hair: depends on whom
Height: 5'9" to 6'2"
Weight: average
Best Clothing Style: goofy
Fav Eye Color: green or blue
Fav Hair Color: chestnut or fire engine red
Short or Long Hair: LONG
Height: 5'8" to 6'0"
Weight: average or less
Best Clothing Style: depends on whom
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit? Ireland
Number Of CD's I Own: maybe 100
Your Good Luck Charm: my keys
How many pillows do you sleep with? one
Do you drink milk? yes
Person You Hate Most: my mother
Most Outdated Phrase: "Whatever"
Do you think God has a gender? yes and no
Where do you think we go when we die? the Astral Plane
How many rings until you answer the phone? however long it takes me to get to it
What is something scientists need to invent? hyperspace travel and gravity elevators
Are you a health freak? yes
Are you a virgin? no
If you could travel into space, where would you go? the outer regions, but first Mars
What is the worst weather? hot and humid with lots of allergens in the air
Did you play with Barbies as a child? YES!!! I wish I still had them
How many grades have you failed? Three (6th, 7th, and 8th), but they passed me on anyway because "You don't really learn anything in middle school, it's just a place to put kids while they go through puberty", according to my guidance counselor. I did well (above-average) in high school and graduated with a 3.36 GPA.