Jun 18, 2006 22:39
It's amazing (and I know it's been awhile since I last posted) what women will do, and go through, just to look fabulous. I have this awesome pair of dress shoes--dark brown mary janes with ankle straps--that I wore with my mathching brown-and-turquoise skirt and shirt and nude hose to my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary reception today. The shoes are fabulous and make my ankles look incredibly sexy. Problem is, they are UNGODLY uncomfortable. I stood in them for FIVE hours today and couldn't WAIT to get them off my feet--it's been five hours since I've had them off, and my feet are STILL killing me. Plus, I have a nasty blister on my right ring toe where the rim of the shoe was pressing against my toes. O-U-C-H.
But, man did my ankles look sexy!!!!