Oct 19, 2004 21:34
I got in a pretty bad car wreck.. my whole body is sore. Today was going great too. I looked good & I was feeling good & BAM I was on I-29 heading north. I was in the right hand lane when a car in the left hand lane chose to come over into my lane & I was trying to avoid the car in the left lane who was trying to get in the right hand lane with out even a blinker. I turned my wheel to the right trying to avoid the car when Iturned to the right I turned to the left which I made me turn to the right again & when turning back to the left I spun out of control spinning my car a few time around finally hitting a guardrail. My car is totally wrecked. I have no car & don’t look like I’ll be able to afford a new one anytime soon. I was rushed to Liberty hospital. I was on a stretcher & a neck brace because they thought I broke my neck which I only severely sprained it. My left arm is in pain also from the air bag. My back is in pain also but beside that I’m fine. Thank god I was wearing my seatbelt. They really are a life savors. My car is comletly totaled I have no car no money for a new one. I not sure how I can get to school because i can not make it to the bus by 6:30 I have no clue how i'm getting to work. So if you like to give me a donation would be greatly appricated because my medical bills are going to blow me out of the waters. Any help at all would be greatly appricated. there will be pictures of my car soon