Mar 23, 2005 15:55
Well today is... March 23rd. I have not posted in a long time. for reasons that are too boring to explain. so i am sorry. Im tired now so im not gonna do a long post. ill just put u up to date with my new fish. OK so... ::2 weeks ago:: I got a beta fish. I named him Shakespear. THEN like a week later the fuckin fish died. My parents.. not wanting to see me upset bought another one to cover it up. OF COURSE i noticed it was a completely different fish, wrong color and everything. I named him Pedo... short for Torpedo. 2 days later. that fish died. Both Shakespear AND Pedo died of a disease called fungil where a white furry film would grow in splotches on them. Very Tramatic. The day after it died I got another fish. (that was yesterday!) I am stuck between Marley and Merlin. Can't decide. i.m. me and tell me ur opinion!