No. 351 - Accomplishment

Jun 06, 2008 13:05

Hot diggity dog! I am done!

It feels nice. I feel accomplished. I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere in my life, rather than wasting the days away working dead-end meaningless jobs. I'm doing what I want to be doing, and I'm loving it.

I can't word how I feel about this past year, in the sense of exactly how happy with myself I am. Going from mediocre student who did a half-ass job in all my high school classes, to a college drop-out, to returning to college and ending the year with a 3.95 GPA (and rising)... it's astounding. I'm flabbergasted with my hard work and dedication that I didn't think I was capable of doing. I went through some highs and some severe lows through the year, but I stayed on course. I didn't give up, even when I had a teacher suggest that I drop out for the winter quarter after the death of my cousin (and other reasons she wasn't aware of but it was blatantly obvious how depressed I was). I did want to curl up into a ball and give up, but I didn't. I am so proud of myself, and I've only completed year 1 of possibly 6.

I think one of the best feelings about this year is knowing that I was ranked among the top performing students in all my classes. If I wasn't THE top student, I was second or third. To think... me... a top student? That's so absolutely ridiculous that it makes me laugh! Hardly believable even to myself, but yet that's how it TRULY is.

Okay! I'll stop bragging now. I need to start cleaning and packing in preparation of moving back home tomorrow. Then I can really start summer, which I'm going to make the best summer I've had yet.
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