May 11, 2009 23:51
I'm supposed to write a commemorative speech about video games for Thursday. After about a single page (it needs to be 3-4) I'm totally stuck. I'm thinking of switching the speech to Hugh Jackman. That's a topic I can talk about (without notes!) for a very long time. Jarrett's even commented that I've gone off about how awesome he is (on more than one occasion) for more then 15 minutes. The only problem is that I'm being graded on this and I'm not sure I could contain my utter fangirliness, even if it is just for 3 minutes.
Opinion anyone?
In other news, I have a 4 page "Wellness Paper" that was due 5 minutes ago and it's no where near finished. Maybe he won't take off points if I submit it before 4am?
In other, OTHER news, OMG MARVEL MOVIES!!!!! Scarlett Johansson is playing Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow. Do you have any idea what this means? Scarlett Johansson in TIGHT BLACK LEATHER with long, beautiful red hair. Did I mention the TIGHT BLACK LEATHER and kickass weaponry? DID I?!?!?!?
oh, and THOR. No real news other then it's 2012 release date (as long as it isn't pushed back AGAIN). All I've got to go on are a few press releases from Marvel and a shirload of rumors.
EDIT: I finished the paper and had it submitted by 1:20am. It looks like I can go to bed now. Too bad I'm too wired from wellness paper stress. FAIL.
I managed to write how I get much more stressed at the end of the semester and how extra work makes me slightly insane. I also managed to write about my love of BACON. Worst. Paper. Ever.