I thought this was amusing, so might as well.

Sep 12, 2010 21:04

ZE COUPLE MEME! Stolen from dA, so there's no proper credit. D:

SIX PAIRINGS I LIKE: (in no particular order)

1. Hughes/Mustang (FMA)
2. Russia/China (Hetalia)
3. Lydia/Octavia (Tears to Tiara)
4. Hungary/Prussia (Hetalia)
5. Sanada/Yukimura (PoT)
6. Litchi/Arakune (BlazBlue)


7. Tezuka/Fuji (PoT)
8. Kurogane/Fai (Tsubasa)
9. Agito/Ikki (Air Gear)


10. Takeru/Hikari (Digimon - good lawd I remembered that)
11. Ragna/Rachel or Ragna/Nu (BlazBlue)
12. Stinku/Suigintou (Rozen Maiden)


13. Ragna/Jin (BlazBlue)
14. LanFan/Ling (FMA)

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Rachel/Ragna/Nu)
Because even if canon story mode says "let thar be Ragna/Rachel", it's just not working. Rachel belittles EVERYONE. The reason she's keeping Ragna alive is because the true Azure hasn't awakened yet. So he can flaunt his 'fake' Azure.

AND NU. GOOD GOD THAT BIATCH CAN'T STOP SQUEALING "Let's become one". She's doin' it wrong, even if she's powerful and almost all characters die when facing her; at least a certain someone from another fandom's doing it right.

Last! Ragna the motherfrackingBlood-fracking-edge just wants to invade NOL. Cut him some slack. :I

2. Who do you know that ships #13? (Ragna/Jin)
Most ppl I see at the comm..

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Lydia/Octavia)
Talking about battle tactics over tea and cake, then a little knife battle over the last slice.

4. What is your favorite moment for #1? (Hughes/Mustang)
When Mustang cried at Hughes's grave. I literally b'awwed at that. /is a sucker.

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Litchi/Arakune)
The moment I derped at Litchi's story mode and ended up killing the poor squiggly guy.

6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring? (Kurogane/Fai)
CLAMP had to weave around the Celes/Nihon arc so that they don't come off as a yaoi pairing. I was expecting so much!

7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4? (Russia/China vs Hungary/Prussia)

Ohmai. Tough decision. While both of them are like 'GTFO me' at first, PruHun's more amusing. Buuut RoChu's fluffier. :3

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.

Takeru/Hikari. So there be more hatesex between their nii-sans :3

9. What interests you about #14? (LanFan/Ling)
Loyalty. Not just one-sided loyalty, but a two-way loyalty. And the way wrath said it: "There are no words needed for a king and his chosen one." Okay I know that scene was creepy but I like it.

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Tezuka/Fuji)
When people stopped sticking to their dynamic duality. Plus the amount of fanwork made the pair monotonous to me.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? (Agito/Ikki)
WTF no. It's because of a certain Yayoi person that made me drop the pairing, not the series. Air Gear has so much badass to not give up, despite the length.

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Sanada/Yukimura)
Gomenasai. Sanada's favorite word, oh and also Yuki's

13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?

Russia/China ftw~

14. Which do you dislike the most?


15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?

Agito/Ikki and Ragna/Jin. I think Ragna and Ikki would want to switch dates. here I am thinking this is a good thing...ohohoho

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes. (Russia/China)
In everybody's headcanon, yes. In canon, no. But Russia's trying hard!

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely? (Hungary/Prussia)
LoL thismemeisamusing. No, in every context of the word.

18. What would make you start shipping #14? (LanFan/Ling)
When the mangaka draws a picture of Ling with kids. :3

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6?
DAMNYOUMEMEmakingmedosuchunbearabledecisions. Litchi/Arakune! So Litchi can leave NOL for good!

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

Hikari will not have a Digimon partner.

The end.


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