
Jul 18, 2010 20:47

Had an exam again yesterday( :/ ); and halfway through it, our proctor was walking around the room, looking at every student. Then he stopped in front of my desk and I was all panicky. I thought he was looking at my paper because my answers were so wrong (or so right *shot*). Then suddenly he asked: "You have weird eyelashes." On the inside I was "O.0" I just looked up and stared at him for a few seconds before going back to my test paper.

He said my lashes are weird. Then I asked my mother afterwards if they're really weird. She said having eyelashes that don't curl upward are normal, kind of like an Asian trait. Now I'm conscious about my lashes. They protrude downward. I guess it comes with having really small eyes. Then again, my mother doesn't have the same eyelashes as mine. I'm positive it came from my dad's side; since he's originally from the North (and this was the area in our country where the East Asians most likely settled)...mum's side has some secret hidden Spanish roots somewhere. XD


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