I decided to cruise around the
driftpa.com forum for a local meet.
I found out it was my buddy Shally's birthday. So we planned on hitting McFadden's in Pittsburgh next to the Pirate stadium.
I took a video of me fucking around with the geese near the river's edge.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9D6IS90s-o I was a blast, I showed up early as hell and started getting my drink on. Found out not only was it already $2 domestics but Shally got a deal worked out for 1/2 drinks for our party. On top of that he also got us all a wing buffet.
So, $1 beers and free fricken wings at a banging effin bar in Pittsburgh, you know shit's going to be off the hook.
My baby in the lot.
Halfway through the night I go out to get some fresh air and talk to some of the guys about random crap when this severely dunk one comes running up
Drunk: "Officer Officer! you gotta help me, there's a guy with a gun after me. (there wasn't)
Officer: "...there's a cab right there..."
Drunk to cab lady: "Miss! I need a ride out of here but I don't have any cash"
Cab Lady: "heh, you can walk then"
and he goes booking across the lot and down the street where he apparently ran into a busy intersection. (you can hear cars honking) and he runs off into the night.
We and the police men were laughing our asses off.
Video of the shenanigans More pics, hot waitresses dancing on the bar.
Halfway through the night I went to whip out my cell and the damn thing flew out of my hand and hit the floor. I broke it.... It starts up but the screen is blank. So I'll need to get that replaced. That also put me in a bad spot because, I then couldn't find my way home on my own using the GPS.
Yes, I drove home drunk. No, I'm not proud of it. But I was following my buddy JJ that lives in the Butler area.
Now, my tab came to $36 dollars + $7 tip. That's a lot of beer, and I only bought a handful of beers for my friends.
But I was driving better than JJ in his WRX, he was all up on the shoulder and weaving. I wanted to call him and tell him to try driving better but alas, my phone was fooked. I was staying inside the lines and not weaving at all and made it home safely.