Jan 18, 2005 15:28
Hmm I really have been lacking the entries and comments lately...plus before when i was going to come on LJ was down. Anyways, yesterday was my first offical day of college. It went overall pretty well. I'm not scared or nervous anymore....Its just school no biggie.
I did however forget how hard it is to wake up for a morning class...the only early class I have is 9:30 and its really not that early but it still was a killer to get up for. 3 out of my 4 classes are like 3 mins from my house so that is a real treat. Here is my schedule since I didnt post it before.
Mon: 9:30-10:45am Psychology
12:30-3:15 English
Tue: 6pm-7:40pm Algebra
Wed: 9:30-10:45am Psychology
6:30pm-9:15pm Earth Schience
Thur: 6pm-7:40pm Algebra
So really my schedule isn't that bad...like tonight I only have math for a bit and my friend is taking the same class also so its no biggie. It's nice to have the day to do whatever. Like today I took my doggies to the vet and now I want to clean up my room a bit so when Sarah and I get back from class we have a spot to do our homework or just chill.
My psychology teacher is really cool, she is so expeirenced and has done so many neat things, it makes me want to get back into that field. My english teacher on the other hand, shouldn't be an english teacher...she says "you know what I mean" like every other sentence. Plus 3 hours of english is way too much english at one time. thank god I only have that class once a week, other wise i would be pulling my hair out. But it still could be worse...I just want to know what kind of grader she is. On the first day she was like I think i am getting high off these dry erase markers, and was acting like she was on crack...plus she was trying to hard to get her students to like her...its like she was very unsure of herself and wanted the acceptance of her class...oh well!
I should clean bc it will take me awhile but I just wanted to type something in here since its been awhile. I will get to read journal soon, hopefully...I hope everyone is doing ok! Much love!
<3 Muah!