She wouldn't let us present our assignments because her "allergies are bothering her". Uhg. And then she just rants all period because we're not as good as her last class. She makes me so mad.
Like this.
Gawd I love Lucky Star. But I digress. My art class is quickly becoming my least favorite class. But just because she's making me wait to get a new assignment, doesn't mean I should make you guys wait to see the fruits of my labor. So here you go.
Looks super cute, eh? I show this to people and then I tell them the title, and they go, "Oh, aha ha.... cute." I thought it was cute too. I was going to be gorey and stuff..... but...... When I think of something cute, I can't help myself. Maybe next time. I love robot romance. It's the cutest kind of love in the world. (You should've seen me when I saw "Wall-e") This is where a tiny robot falls in love with a security camera, and in his crazy robot head, gives her an eyeball to say "Eye love you". I think I might even start drawing the tiny robot on his own in a bunch of situations. Like a comic, but less commitment. Haha.
PENCIL STROKES! I showed my strokes pretty bad on this one, a big no-no for photo-realistic drawing. (Technically it's not photo-realism if you show strokes, but it was what I was going for.) I also used a new eraser, and I guess it reacted badly with the paper or something, because anywhere I used it the paper got a wierd texture. Oh well. Try again next week.
I'll post the next assignment when I get it. We always get one week from when the new one is assigned, so if I get it tomorrow, it'll be due the next Wednesday.... etc. I really appreciated your suggestions last time. (
mikeyylee sort of sparked this one with his eyeball suggestion) I hope you guys will keep putting stuff out there.