Big Man On Campus

Jan 12, 2005 22:54

Has anyone seen the show Big Man on Campus? Its beyond explanation, but I will try my hardest. Basically, its about these bunch of stupid whores choosing the "top" guy on a college campus. Of course, since they are women, they choose the biggest jerk they can. Then, the Big Man (the person they chose) burns through the women and chooses a final one to stay with.

This guy they chose is truly beyond belief. He is the biggest idiot ever, but its alright because these girls are absolute morons. So, he decided to drop all the really hot ones and stick with the ugliest 4 out of the group. And, you would think they would have good personalities or be intelligent if he picked them over the others. But this isn't the case. In fact, I have had sandwhiches with more personality. These little sluts couldn't figure out their fingers from the tits either. And from the way they dress, I'm sure they are unaware they even have breasts.

Then, the guy is acting like he is in it for a serious relationship. But then he goes and makes out with all of the girls right in a row, and whenever they try to talk to him, he jumps on them like a panther on a hunk of child.

Of course, one of the females start talking about her past relationships and mentions how she has only went out with jerks. That's believable of course, but the guys reaction in the private session crap things he says "She kept talking about other people, I wanted her to talk more about me". That was the most concieted thing ever said. In fact, I'm still in shock over it, and it happened 2 hours ago.

There was a great outcome from this whole 20 minutes, I saw the funniest commercial ever. It involved a guy meeting his girlfriend's parents, and while they are talking, the girl eat a piece of Dentyne gum, and then they begin the sex right in front of the parents. They try to get them to stop, and the girl throws her top into the face of the father. I never laughed harder in a 15 second period. It was great, it was like that sensation of peeing after you have held it from 20 minutes longer then you should have.
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