Feb 27, 2016 21:09
I've noticed a few people posting this one over the last day or so, and decided to be a complete sheep and join in. It's been fun seeing other peoples answers so it only seems right to share mine.
What do I always have in my bag?
Makeup Eyeliner, lipgloss, handcream and moisturiser at a minimum. Sometimes mascara, foundation, eyeshadow. It all depends on the look of the day
Plasters Or band aids, as Americans call them. I have a five year old, they're pretty essential. Also for those moments when your shoes rub your heel or you break a nail
Portable phone charger An Anker Astro E1 5200mAh Ultra Compact Portable Charger, if you really want to know
Mints Bad breath isn't welcome in any situation, so I've always got either gum or mints
Tissues I mentioned a five year old... And, well, you never want to be without a tissue when you can feel a sneeze coming on!
I didn't really want to mention wallet, oyster card, keys, phone etc because they're all very obvious
the outside world,