I find myself once again wondering why I have a blog. I'm not an interesting person nor do I do anything exciting.
I get up, I get Regan up, I make breakfast, I take Regan to school, I come home, I do housework/watch tv or movies/read/play video games, I collect Regan from school, we do her homework, I make evening meal, I go to bed.
Sometimes I knit, or work on a cross-stitch. I go for a walk with my camera when the weather is nice.
Lately, I've been playing a lot of Farmville and Cafe World on Facebook.
this is (hopefully) a link to my facebook if anyone wants to add me.
I've been watching Supernatural, Bones, Criminal Minds, CSI, White Collar, Leverage and Chuck.
And I've been re-reading Anne McCaffrey's Pern books
A very exciting life indeed.