A Hospital Waiting Area, Bristol, Tuesday

Nov 16, 2010 19:58

After smoking outside and making some calls, Kate was back inside the hospital again. She didn't go straight back to Mitchell's room, though. She was feeling too... something, to do that yet, and Mitchell would still be there if she went in later. So she'd wait a bit.

So, she conquered an uncomfortable chair in the nearby waiting area, and dug out her tiny pink iPod that she'd found (along with the single cigarette) on the bottom of her bag. There was a certain song she'd remembered earlier, while she'd been outside. She wanted to listen to it.

Or so she thought. Too bad she'd only remembered the hook, not the main part of the lyrics.

Pull the blindfold down so your eyes can't see; now run as fast as you can, through this field of trees. I can't shake this feeling I've got; my dirty hands, have I been in the wars? The saddest thing that I'd ever seen were sm--

She shut the player off and stuck it back into her pocket with a heavy sigh. She hated this place and everything it chose to be.

[ooc: Just for some of them Bristol folks. And NFB due to being off-island, obviously.]

issue: dammit mitchell, place: bristol, issue: don't like hospitals, people: josie

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