I procrastinated and then vetoed my own choice of appee at the last minute, so no new kid for me this time around either. But I like infoposts, so you'll get one anyway.
Kate Gregson!
- From Showtime's fabulous United States of Tara, currently in the middle of S02E01.
- Will be slowly going through S2 over the next two terms.
- And it will be fabulous.
- Senior, 16, blonde, brown eyed, 5'7" but has a tiny body.
- Generally friendly, but will can get difficult once you get close to her.
- That having been said; snarky as hell, and sarcastic.
- But generally not mean-spirited; if she wants to hurt you, you will know.
- Dating and totally in love with
- Doesn't really know how to deal with being totally in love and being loved back.
- Therefore Bod gets the worst of her difficult behaviour. Sorry, Bod!
- BFFs with
Mitchell and
- Has vampire issues.
- Yes, even though she has a vampire for a BFF: he's one of the sources of her issues.
- Also her other BFF is going to become a vampire, but they don't know that yet.
- Rooms in 324 with
Bobby Drake.
- Will occasionally
try to decapitate the guys who look like Logan Lerman with a lunch tr-- oh wait wrong canon.
- Infoposted in a more detailed fashion
The mun!
- Corazon/Johanna/
queencorazon/QueenCorazon on Twitter and tumblr
- E-mail: vanillajello [at] wippies [dot] fi /AIM: justonepersona (e-mail is your best bet)
- EET (GMT +2, US EST +7)
- Available from about 5 PM to midnight EET on weekdays and all the damn time on weekends.
- Is more than a little sad to give up her crazy summer availability, yes.
- 22, Finnish, 4th year English major, horrible procrastinator, language nerd, music junkie, random heroine etc etc ad infinitum.
- Has been around for a year and half a summer, now.
- Feels kind of blessed to have found such a fun, insane group of people.
- Even though gets made fun of by Bod's mun a lot.
(- Probably deserves all of it.)
- Pretends to take said mockery as affectionate while plotting Tracy's horrible demise.
- Has a raging girlcrush on Brie Larson.
- Gets made fun of about that too.
- Has picked up capslocking and saying omg a lot during the last year.
- Doesn't feel a bit sleepy even though it's 3 AM.
- And Saturday's morning paper was just delivered.
- Is insane.