Jelly Bean B2, Early Monday Morning

Jul 26, 2010 14:27

There was no one holding Kate as she woke up on Monday morning. She'd expected it, of course, but it was still not a nice feeling to wake up and find herself alone.

Especially when it was fairly permanent kind of alone.

She reached behind her, fingers scraping against the mattress until they found the necklace and closed around it. She pushed herself up enough to get it around her neck more easily, then slumped back down to the same position she'd gone to sleep in. Still taking up only half of her narrow bed for no real reason at all.

As if he was going to come back if she left him some room. It was idiotic and sad and made no sense, but it was early in the morning and she thought it was allowed.

[ooc: Open for anyone who might have reason to bother the slightly emo girl.]

people: bod, fact: not emo just... something, place: jelly bean cabin

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