Kate would've almost been glad to know her day was taking for-fucking-ever So, to recap: Last night, crab and Bryce. This morning: worrying methods of dealing, and being glad to go to work, even if that meant dropping Luke off at the Portalocity hub at the Airport. She really should've expected the day to continue on as not-good as possible. See, she was in Tulsa, yet again, when she got the call. It was Charmaine.
"Uhh... It's Marshall. Well, no. Not Marshall, but --" It was obvious it was something bad when even Charmaine couldn't just blurt it out. Kate heard her take a breath. "It's Lionel."
Lionel had crashed his car.
No more Lionel.
Immediately after hanging up, Kate called Portalocity and spent a good fifteen minutes just yelling at them like that would make them cave in and give her an intradimensional portal home, even though she knew they didn't do that, because she'd tried before with a fair bit more politeness. Maybe she just wanted to yell at someone. Her throat almost felt a little sore when she gave up, and just rushed to catch the next plane back to Kansas. It wasn't SkyKans, but it wasn't like she cared about employee discounts right now.
Plane to car in Kansas City, and she speeded like a blur. Somewhere along the way she thought Bod would frown at her for doing that. Maybe she wouldn't tell him. It got her home in record time. She practically ran through the door, past her mother deeply asleep on the sofa - it wouldn't be until much later she'd realize Tara had just way, way medicated herself - and up the stairs, to find her dad standing on the landing outside her brother's room.
"What do you need?" she asked, panting. "Where is he?"
Max tried Marshall's door knob, to no avail. "He locked the door," he said, almost a little helplessly. "I just want to see if he's okay." He knocked again. "Come on, Marsh."
"Oh, well, do you want to know what to say, or do you want to break in there?" Kate asked, already rummaging through her purse. "Because I don't know what to say --" She really, really didn't. "-- but I can break into any locked door in this house."
And Marshall knew that too. It was not unexpected that once she'd used her airline ID card to force the door into unlocking and opened it, Marshall gave her a mild look from where he was sitting on his bed, and said, "Took you long enough." Kate didn't say anything. She just crossed the room and gingerly took a seat beside him and, after only a touch of hesitation, wrapped her arms around him. He didn't exactly respond to it, but he also didn't shove her away, so she stayed there, embracing him.
She'd been in his situation too many times, and she still didn't think there was anything to say because somehow it seemed worse, when it was Marshall. Her brother should have been exempt from this shit.
But he wasn't, so she was going to hold him and pretend she could protect him for a while.
[ooc: NFB, NFI, OOC-okay! Still taken with maximum tweakage from USoT S03E10. Warning for off-screen NPC death and a brief mention of what is essentially misuse of prescription drugs. And to think this show was supposed to be a comedy, guys.]