Room 324, Thursday Afternoon

Aug 18, 2011 15:40

There had been some interesting voicemails on Kate's phone when she'd woken up today. It had made for a pretty amusing start to the day, she could tell you. Kinda adorable, too. Maybe a little bit melancholy-inducing as well, but she seemed to be impervious to that this week, for the most part. It was just a good week.

So, she danced around the room a bit as she folded some laundry, music drifting out into the hallway. It was one of her last times of doing that here, if not the last, but she wasn't thinking about that.

Sorting fresh shirts was much more important for the moment.

[ooc: Open door, open post!

And because I can't be bothered to make a separate post, have an availability notice: I'm heading to my grandmother's tomorrow morning and will be gone until Sunday evening EET. Meanwhile, the usual suspects have modding rights.]

place: room 324, people: warren, what: getting voicemails, people: bobby drake

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