I Love You... Do You?;; Chapter 41 (1/?)

Oct 14, 2009 01:15


Jaejoong let out a wide smile when he finally got his final decision on Yunho’s birthday present. He hopes that Yunho would like it. He had butterflies in his stomach when he thought of giving the present to Yunho in secret.

Jaejoong greeted Marshmallow when he returned to his house. He picked up the meowing white fur ball into his arms along with the gift bag to the couch. He gently stroked the kitten that rolled over to its back on his laps and smiled when he took out the gift.

“Marshmallow~ Do you think this watch will look good on Yunnie?” Jaejoong showed the kitten a watch. Marshmallow stood up on his laps and looked at the watch curiously. She pawed the watch gently and purred. She looked at Jaejoong and nuzzled her nose into his sweater.

“You think so too? Hehe, I took a really long time picking it out. I’m glad!” Jaejoong softly closed the box that held the Rolex Cellini Prince watch.

“Wah~ Feels good to be back in Korea, Chun! No more English racing through my head!” Junsu stretched as he walked out of the airplane with Yoochun.

“I should be more glad than you, Su.” Yoochun shuddered as he remembered the things Junsu did in America.

“What! He asked me what I wanted. So I said that I wanted him to order stuff for me.” Junsu stuck out his tongue at his boyfriend.

“Okay okay. No more reminding me of that.” Yoochun sighed.

“Hmm… I wonder how everyone’s doing. Since Minnie and Junho went to a camp for school.” Junsu picked up his luggage from the belt and walked towards the exit.

“They’ll be fine. I just wonder if Sexy made it through.” Yoochun snickered.

“Hmm, I’m sure JaeJae hyung did.” Junsu giggled as he tried to hail a cab from the airport.

“Let’s see about that.”

“Yunnie~! Wakie! School!” JaeEun squeaked her voice while rolling her eyes in annoyance. How she hoped that it was Yunho’s birthday already. She smirked as she thought about her flawless plan of getting rid of Yunho.

“Mmm~ Five more minutes, baby.” Yunho pulled the blanket above his head and hoped that his girlfriend would stop pulling him out of the comfortable position in the bed.

“Hurry! Or I’m not gonna sleep with you tonight!” JaeEun smacked Yunho’s chest on the blanket, making a ‘thud’ sound.

“Ow, baby are you trying to kill your human sized bear?” Yunho gave up and sat up on the bed groggily, with his chestnut brown hair in all directions.

“No, I don’t want to be late. Let’s go~ Carry me! Carry me!” JaeEun childishly whined as Yunho swung his long legs on the side of the bed.

“Alright, my baby queen.” Yunho picked his innocent smiling girlfriend up in a swift movement and walked towards the bathroom.

“Yunnie bear~ Breakfast is ready! You take longer than me in showers!” JaeEun yelled from downstairs.

“Coming! Coming.” Yunho skipped a few steps down the stairs and reached the main floor. He smiled cheekily and planted a smooch on his girlfriend’s forehead.

“Hurry~ I don’t want to be late!” JaeEun grumbled and ate her breakfast.

“Yes, madam~!” Yunho saluted and sat down to eat his own share.

Yunho drove to school on time and held his girlfriend’s hand in his own. Many girls immediately swarmed to Yunho for a greeting. He wondered why his girlfriend never bothered to tell them to back off, but he shrugged because he knows that she loves him.

“Oh, I heard that your friends are coming back today.” JaeEun curiously asked Yunho, because she wanted to know if those people are in her way of her plan.

“Yeap! They might or might not come today! I still haven’t introduced you to them” Yunho smiled at the thought.

“Hehe, aren’t you scared that they’re gonna snatch me away?” JaeEun smiled.

“Nope~ They’re together. Well except for Junsu’s brother and Min.” Yunho laughed.


“Yoosu, Minnie, and Junho are coming today… I don’t want them to find out that Yunnie has a girlfriend.” Jaejoong absentmindedly spoke his thoughts out loud. He frowned as he thought of Tiffany hurting Yunho in any way.

Marshmallow meowed at Jaejoong wondering what’s wrong.

Jaejoong smiled, “Nothing! I’ll show you to them! They’re really nice people. I’m sure Su will love you so much.” The kitten purred in delight and nuzzled into Jaejoong’s thigh.

“No! School! No school for me, Su!” Yoochun whined when Junsu pulled on his leg, trying to wake his lazy self up.

“Yes school! I miss JaeJae hyung and Yunho hyung and everyone! I want to see Yunjae affection! Go go go go!” Junsu squeaked at Yoochun’s ear.

“Okay okay! Keep your dolphin voice outside.” Yoochun pouted as he waltzed into the bathroom.

“Good boy!” Junsu spoke in English and went downstairs to make breakfast. He noticed that Yoochun’s father was already gone. He sighed, if his boyfriend was as on time as his father. As he thought about that, he laughed when he imagined Yoochun being serious.

“What are you laughing at?” Yoochun poked his claimed bubble butt.

“You!” Junsu went hysterics when he had more thoughts of Yoochun speaking formally. He shakily put an egg on the toast and shoved it at Yoochun’s face.

“What’s so funny.” Yoochun went serious. Junsu laughed even more, it was exactly what he imagined.

“Nothing!” Junsu tried to catch his breath and sat down at the dining table. He wouldn’t be able to laugh when he finds out what happened the month that they were gone.

Jaejoong bought a lot of makeup hoping that it would cover the fading bruises on his face. Making sure that Yoosu and the others won’t be able to see the bruises unless they came close to his face. He picked out an outfit and wore it. He coughed violently as he put on his sweater. He picked up his backpack and went downstairs.

Marshmallow meowed at him as a greeting. She nuzzled her nose onto his calf telling him to give her food.

“Marshmallow-ah, be a good girl today. Jaejoongie is not going to be here until school ends, okay? Don’t eat so much at once! I put one over there and one over here, make sure you drink water.” Jaejoong stroked the kitten that was staring at him curiously. She meowed after Jaejoong finished talking.

“Good girl. Don’t go outside, it’s cold.” Jaejoong coughed and went to the garage. He drove to school and saw many people going into the school. He parked and went into the school. Many people recognized him and sneered.

“What’s the slut coming back for?”

“Eew, he’s back!”

“Oh my god! Stay away from me!”

Jaejoong ignored them all and walked straight to his homeroom. His facial expression lightened up when he saw Yunho chatting with some people.

‘Yunnie still looks better up close.’ Jaejoong thought.

“Oh look who’s here! It’s the manwhore!” One of his classmates told the whole class. Yunho was startled, he didn’t even notice Jaejoong coming into the classroom. He angrily stomped to Jaejoong’s desk. The whole class quieted down and watched him.

“What the fuck are you doing back here.” Yunho gritted his teeth.

“Good morning, Yunnie.” Jaejoong coughed and smiled warmly at Yunho.

“Don’t Yunnie me, you freaking gay whore.” Yunho snapped.

“I-I wanted to come back and see Yoosu, Min and Junho and you.” Jaejoong looked down shyly when he mentioned Yunho.

“I told you! I don’t want to see you ever again in my life! Disappear, damn it! Why can’t I get rid of you!” Yunho slapped Jaejoong.

Jaejoong’s tears came down and held his cheek. He mumbled a sorry and ran to the washroom. He looked into the mirror and saw a red tinge on his cheek. He wiped his tears gently, not wanting the make up to come off.

“Prettiful! You’re back. I missed you.” HyunJi’s gang came into the washroom and saw Jaejoong.

Jaejoong snapped his head at the voice and slowly backed up against the wall. He was scared, scared that he’ll get raped again. His old wound didn’t even heal properly yet. He tried going pass the gang but they held him back.

“Where are you going~ I missed you, aren’t you going to give your boyfriend a hug?” HyunJi had his arms open.

“Y-you’re not my boyfriend!” Jaejoong stuttered. He wanted to get out of the washroom and go back near Yunho.

“Who said so~ We already had sex~” HyunJi went closer to the shrinking Jaejoong.

“P-please leave me alone!” Jaejoong shrunk into a ball on the floor and shook violently.

“No! You’re mine!” HyunJi pulled at Jaejoong’s arms. Jaejoong whimpered and resisted as much as he could.

“Come on, kitten. No one’s going to hurt you if you listen to me.” HyunJi snickered.

“L-leave me alone!”

“You’re going to get me mad if you don’t obey me.” HyunJi was getting irritated.

“Leave me alone!” Jaejoong mumbled.

“Get him up for me.” HyunJi told his gang.

“N-no! Get away from me!” Jaejoong was terrified. HyunJi smirked as Jaejoong was pinned against the wall and he forcefully kissed him.

Jaejoong squirmed and screamed, but his screams were muffled by HyunJi’s mouth. He hoped the bell would ring any time soon. He struggled as HyunJi’s hands were roaming all over his body, when HyunJi wanted to pull his jeans down, the bell rang.

“You’re lucky today, prettiful. I’ll come back.” HyunJi kissed Jaejoong’s forehead and the gang left the washroom with him.

Jaejoong slid down onto the floor and vigorously rubbed his lips. He felt so dirty, he used water to rub his lips over and over again. He frowned and walked back to the classroom. He eyes lit up when he saw Yoochun and Junsu bickering over something.

“Chun! Su!” Jaejoong smiled and ran over to hug them both tightly.

“Hello there, sexy~” Yoochun petted Jaejoong’s head softly.

“JAE HYUNG!” Junsu squeaked and crushed Jaejoong into his arms. People started murmuring in the classroom about Jaejoong.

“I missed you two. Let’s eat lunch later!” Jaejoong walked back to his seat and fidgeted with all the whisperings about him. He’s scared that Yoosu will find out that he was never with Yunho.

“Hey, Jae. Why aren’t you and Yunho together?~ We want to see Yunjae affection. Mwah mwah mwah~” Yoochun teased Jaejoong.

“H-huh?! O-oh, he wants t-to be with h-his friends.” Jaejoong stuttered and smiled.

“Aw, but we want to see YunJae affection~” Junsu pouted in Jaejoong’s face.

Jaejoong just awkwardly smiled and looked down at the table. Suddenly, he heard Yoochun and Junsu calling Yunho to come over. His heart started to pound against his ribcage.

“Hey, Chun and Su.” Yunho coolly greeted them ignoring Jaejoong’s loving gaze on him.

“Sit down next to Jae! I want to see Yunjae affection.” Junsu snickered.

Jaejoong just shook his head and Yunho sat down beside him. Jaejoong’s heart rate paced up even more, he haven’t been this close to Yunho for so long. He wanted to embrace the man beside him. He felt so happy

“Yay! Now kiss!” Junsu clapped his hands.

“No, I gotta go with them. I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye.” Yunho pat Yoochun on the back and left where his girlfriend was.

“Hmm, did you and Yunho have a fight? You two didn’t even talk or hug.” Yoochun felt something fishy when he saw Jaejoong trying to get Yunho to look at him and his hands fidgeting trying to touch Yunho.

“O-oh, nothing! Really. Hehe.” Jaejoong smiled.

Vanilla's Words: -3-, I'm sick, low blood pressured.. Couldn't go to school for so many days. FML. Yes This is very long. since you guys are telling me that I'm dragging it. SO it'll have so many damn parts. this is so far 7/12 pages. and I'm still writing.

That sexy watch v

yunjae, yoosu, series, i love you... do you?

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