Progress report

Dec 04, 2012 15:50

I'm sane this week, which I really appreciate after last week's hysteria. I usually don't think of myself as a special snowflake, but every once in a while, I come unglued, and it isn't pretty.

Anyway, I've been keeping busy. I'm trying to make room for change, and I know, that sounds kinda NewAge metaphysical, but on a simple, practical level, I have tons of clothes I'll never wear again, and I'm trying to get them out of the way so I can keep track of the stuff that fits.

This has meant a block of time spent in the garage...I'm transfering all the outgoing stuff to the living room so I can sort it by size. The stuff that's size 30 or over is going to a gal from church, the rest I'll post on fatshionxchange in hopes of making a few bucks. Whatever hasn't sold by the end of January, I'll donate.

That freed up a whole bunch of hangers! I'm sure they'll come in handy while I sort through the piles in my bedroom. I haven't even gotten to my bedroom yet, which does need to happen fairly soon; it would be helpful if I could get my closet winnowed so I can bring in the keepers from the garage.

Meanwhile, the garage already looks better: I got the floor picked up to where I could put down an area rug. Not the old one from the living room, but a slightly smaller one that I got ages ago, earmarked for my bedroom. That never happened, but it works nicely in the space out there. In addition to keeping my feet a little warmer when I'm doing laundry during the winter, I figure having an actual rug down will make it more noticeable when there's stuff on the floor. Otherwise, I have a finely developed ability to tune out clutter.

Getting behind one section of clothes to some shelves, I came across a box with a ceramic Father Christms on horseback. It's dated 1995, but I don't remember painting it. (I used to be very much into ceramics and did other Father Christms/Santa figures; I did a woodland Santa that I gave to Peter---god knows whatever happened to that one---and an undersea Santa that I gave to GK, which presumably she still has.) I brought this one into the house and perched him on my entertainment unit. Nice timing, self. Usually I'd find something like that in February.

Today I've been working in the living room, trying to make enough room to be able to sort things. Over the weekend, I went through and organized my DVDs, which doesn't really impact the rest of the room, but now I can at least see what I have. I cleared off the coffee table so that all it has on it is the dragonfly dish GK gave me for my birthday. *I* know I've made progress, but a casual visitor would likely be appalled.

I've got to figure out what I'm going to do about linens and towels. I made a concentrated effort and got through the pile of stuff that had accumulated atop my wicker chair. Big stack of sheets and towels and pillowcases. Found one pair of my grey slacks, a few skirts and that all hung, but I really do need to address my closet, because I'm running out of "temporary" places to hang things!

I know I'm probably not going about this in the most organized way, but at least I'm doing something. Right? Right.

Also, I'm currently 271.6, which is somewhere between the best of times and the worst of times, but considering my record high, or even where I began this year, definitely closer to the best of times.


found!, clean house, garage, weight

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