Not too shabby!

Nov 30, 2012 14:57

Wow. I didn't sign up for NaNoWriMo this year (or Yuletide!), didn't even commit to MiniNaNo---but I've just added it all up, and I got a fairly formidible amount of writing done nonetheless. Like, about 20,000 words worth, which is about three times my combined output for the whole rest of this year!

A solid 4K of that was done this week, on a story that's probably going to be a Yuletide treat. I need to check a couple canon details for it, but otherwise, it's done. I added a few scraps to WIPs. (Someday, I'll finish my Jericho western!)

The rest of it is for a crossover AU, an esoteric slash pairing that so far more curtain fic than pr0n---IKR, since when do I write curtain fic?!...a good chunk of *that* is plotty meta, but there are also a cluster of ficlets, two longer installments (4,000 words exactly for one of them, all written on Thanksgiving Day!), and 900+ words on a WIP.

I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I'm completely unblocked, but the fact that I *am* writing at all feels wonderful. And considering how crazy the rest of my life has been making me, anything that eases the stress is a Very Good Thing.

I'll continue to try to write myself sane, and will keep in touch as much as circumstances allow. Not having internet at home well and truly sucks, but I'm very happy to have the lights on for the immediate future.


au, slash, nanowrimo, writing, yuletide

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