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Comments 8

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vanillafluffy November 1 2012, 00:59:43 UTC
You're right---I was trying to get it finished and posted and had a blonde moment.

Glad you enjoyed it. It's not my usual kind of thing, but it was fun.



karaokegal November 1 2012, 05:33:07 UTC
Very hot! Love the different sensory details and the build-up. Great costume!


vanillafluffy November 1 2012, 14:12:19 UTC
Thanks! I also enjoyed letting my vocabulary off the chain, so to speak.



starhawk2005 November 4 2012, 04:00:23 UTC
I may never watch 'Criminal Minds' the same way again. Hee. ;)

Oddly enough, I was myself just the other week thinking about adding a rope-dress-type scene into a fic myself. Great minds think alike, apparently! ;)

Nice job, hon!


vanillafluffy November 4 2012, 16:33:20 UTC
Personally, I have my own ideas about Reid's sex life, and it's not with anyone on the team. If I really were going to ship him with one of the BAU guys, it would be Rossi. (Can you say self-insert?!) Although if that were the case, it would be Reid getting tied up; I see Rossi as the dominant type. (Again, I may be projecting here....) But the prompt intrigued me, and once I got into it, I firmly believed it while I was writing it.



starhawk2005 November 6 2012, 18:27:36 UTC
Well, Reid does have that mystery girl in the picture right now...

Although if that were the case, it would be Reid getting tied up; I see Rossi as the dominant type. (Again, I may be projecting here....)

Far be it for me to judge you. BDSM-obsessed as I am!


vanillafluffy November 6 2012, 18:33:23 UTC
Meh. I'm underwhelmed by the mystery woman. I suspect she's either a cheating wife, an agoraphobia or both. Let's see if the writers will give us something beyond the obvious, although points to them for referencing those headaches from two seasons back. It's nice to see them NOT forget a plot line!



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