My plan (and I *do* have one)

Oct 30, 2012 17:26

Slept under blankets last night, which was a voluptuous luxury. Woke feeling all cozy and happy in sunlight and lingered for a little while. Got up and made said bed. Then fixed breakfast, consumed same, and made a plan.

I decided it's time to excavate my laundry room/back third of my garage. It gradually became critical over the long hot summer. I'd go out there, throw some laundry into the machine, and when done, it would either get heaped atop the dryer or ironing board, or it would live in the dryer until I was desperately trying to do the next load. I had to lean over a pile of stuff to turn the knob and press the button on the dryer, and was slipping and stumbling over stuff underfoot. Highly unsatisfactory.

So where to begin? I snagged an eco-friendly grocery bag to stash socks and underwear in, so I could haul it all back to my room and get it squared away. Did a quick sweep of the place, rounding up more undies and things for a load while I was working. Got that started, and began on the dryer heap.

Both steps of the process yielded things I'd been looking for. Olive green top I'd gotten to go with my olive cargo pants, found on the floor of the garage, ditto my grey and pink empire top, a green cami that I'll be wearing under the green top GK just sent me, socks and undies, etc.

I hung up a bunch of stuff. I'm not down to the top of the dryer yet, because there are things I just don't know what to do with. I don't really have a linen closet as such---it got filled with other things over the years---and I'm trying to figure out where best to store the assortment of towels, pillowcases, sheets, tablecloths and whatnot.

Massive pruning is required. I have a fuckton of clothes I don't wear anymore, because they're just too big. And while that makes me happy in the sense that it's easier to be well-dressed as a 24/26 than it was at a 32/34, I'm torn between wanting to recoup some of what I spent on it all to wanting to just get rid of it and make room. But honestly? I know how bad my follow-through is; I might as well collect it all in the living room and call a charity for pick-up. It would get it out of here, benefit others, and give me a surplus of hangers for a change.

I didn't really expect my stipend to arrive today, but I'm hoping for tomorrow. Plan for tomorrow calls for waiting til the mail runs, then hopefully cashing it and getting gas. Regardless of whether it's there or not, I'm going to take my cans in for recycling (more than one way to get gas money, she says grimly), then on the way home, stop by the pay station and give FPL some money. It's conveniently next to the S'leven where I'll be gassing up.

Meanwhile, I need to go check on the stuff that's in the dryer and see if I can figure out how to square away the bedding, towels, etc.



found!, laundry, clean house

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