I was over on Tumblr reading Unfuck Your Habitat (
http://unfuckyourhabitat.tumblr.com/) and came across the following challenge: You’re avoiding something. It might be an invisible corner. It might be a box of crap you need to deal with. It might be your junk drawer. Whatever it is that you’ve been relieved that none of the challenges so far have made you deal with, that’s what you’re dealing with for the next 20 minutes. Don’t lie to yourself. You’re putting something off, but now you have to go deal with it.
And I knew exactly which drawer of crap it refered to: It was a dresser drawer---the rest of the dresser is long since gone---that's crammed with stuff sentimental, assorted WTFs and IDEKs, and it's been sitting on or near my dining room table for a very long time. (Enough that GK mentioned it while she was down and suggested I relocate it to the middle room til I got around to sorting thru it.
Okay, I thought. NOW is the time. I'll move the damned thing...except I could barely frackin LIFT it. To attempt to carry it to the middle room fully laden would've been to invite catastrophe. I'd either drop it, or the bottom would fall out.
Well then, I'd do a preliminary sift right there and then. Paperwork, blah, blah, blah, calculator, blah, blah, blah, ceramic boxes, blah, blah, blah...cylindrical wad of white printer paper,...?
Holy shit.
It was a roll of Kennedy half dollars. The paper they're wrapped in is dated 1999, so they've been sitting in that drawer for a long time. They're not sterling, alas, but even face value* is enough to cover my car insurance for this month, which I've been sweating bullets over. Plus there's a little over, which will top off my tank and maybe get a few things I'm out of. And for once, I don't mean caffeine!
* Although I have a 2004 coin book that lists Kennedy half dollars between 1965-1970 as having an average value of $2 each. Now all I have to do is find someone who'll give me that!