Question du jour

May 24, 2012 00:34

If you could live one day over without the consequence of changing the future, what day would it be and why?

I had to think about this one for a few minutes. My first reaction was, What the hell would the point be of going back WITHOUT fixing anything? I can think of a few tipping points that could've gone another way, IF ONLY....

A few things surface that I might do differently, but which wouldn't affect the future as far as I know, mostly vacations where I didn't take advantage of some of the opportunites I had, where I didn't go places because I thought they were too "touristy" or didn't take pictures because I thought it would be touristy, hence uncool.

I think I'd pick one of the trips to Lake George (New York) with my Aunt Mary and Uncle Al. I was too young at the time to care if something was touristy; I had fun, it was ALL cool! I'm sure we didn't do it all in one day, but those trips are a happy montage of playing mini-golf, licking cones of soft-serve ice cream, of spin art, the penny arcade and souvenir shopping. We visited Gaslight Village, Fort William Henry and Storytown USA. There were days swimming in the lake, motorboat rides, dinners out. The sound of locusts was a constant whirring accompaniment, but it was never hot---although it cooled down enough at night to need a blanket.

I'd love the chance to spend more time with Mary and Al, both of whom have been gone from this earth for a long, long time. Too, it would be nice to take a vacation without worrying about where the money would come from, which is why I haven't really had one in twenty years. I can't imagine not even glancing at the prices on the menu (although most of the time I ordered a hamburger, so no big deal anyway).

I never used to understand grown-ups saying that someday I'd look back on childhool and think it was great. No, I still haven't gotten to that point, because quite a bit of it SUCKED. But some of it, like those Lake George jaunts were pretty darned wonderful.


question du jour, nostalgia

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