Weekend review

May 14, 2012 14:25

Haircut is NOT what I asked for and I'm extremely unhappy about that. IDC if AI says she thinks it's cute and that it shows how much weight I've lost. It reminds me of the style my mom wore for my entire memory of her, and it looked better on her than it does on me. Grrr.

Dark Shadows: Meh. It was over the top camp. It would take itself seriously for a couple minutes, then go veering off into la-la-land. I expected a little tongue-in-cheek, which I would've been fine with, and I'm sure the cast had a great time making it, but I was massively underwhelmed. Tim Burton can do creepy---what happened?!

Which was why, afterward, I wandered into "The Raven". That was moody and dark, more like what I would've wanted DS to be. It reminded me of the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies, aided by John Cusack. He's all broody and angsty as Poe, searching for his lost love, who's been kidnapped by a maniacal fan. The fan is committing murders out of Poe's stories with little touches of his own, and demanding new stories from Poe in return for the next clue. Not scary-scary, but nicely suspenseful.

Discovered to my extreme joy that I can now wear size 26 pants. Wept for joy in the changing room at Fashion Bug! Tried some 28s, which looked like I was off to ride my little pony, there was so much fabric flapping at the thighs. Woohoo! I remember being highly upset when I was stretching out size 32s and couldn't find 34s anywhere. And these aren't stretch pants, either---they're woven and have a button-and-zip waistband. Go, me!

Very small crowd at church yesterday---seven people!---but we all knew each other, so it was cozy. PJ gave each of the ladies present a red rose---mine is residing in a glass in my bathroom where I'll see it every time I go in there.

Was up til OMG!AM reading Locked In, the new Tom Clancy. Thankfully, he's gotten away from quoting tech manuals on the hardware at length, as in earlier books. Alas, now he's introducing eight thousand characters to keep track of, complete with backstories and subplots and so on. Me complaining about backstories?! You know it must be serious. Still, I enjoy following his recurring charactrs, which was why I was up til OMG---there was a hostage/torture situation with one of the RC's, and I was freaking out. Arrgh! Vry intense! Now I'm on pins and needles for the next one.

Otherwise, same stuff, different week. TTFN.


hair, book, clothes, compliment, church, movies, weight loss

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