Hello, my lovlies!

Feb 12, 2012 19:17

There is a fence, finally. At least one of the little fuck nuggets has climbed it, but at least I can count on it stopping the ones who used it as a bike path. And, as J has pointed out, it adds to the value of my property, and at some point when I have a stable income, it will come in handy if I have a dog. So, yay.

In other happy news, I've taken care of the living room curtain issue. Went to WalMart after church and ferreted around their clearance aisle and managed to score two sets of striped tab top curtains for $33 and change. After weeks of rooting around on eBay and looking at swatches and whatnot, I figure it's a decent enough price, I don't have to incur shipping, and won't have to spend hours and hours sewing. I may even see if I can find one more set for the sliding glass doors, since I don't really think they're going anywhere any time soon.

Now "all" I have to do it get them hung, which will involve extensive cleaning and shifting of furniture. I have to shift furniture anyway to put my "new" hand-me-down rug down. I'm really looking forward to that. If I could get some furniture rearranged, that would be even better.

Made it down to Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Melbourne---now I know where it is! Fell in love with a birch coffee table they had, but talked my self out of it. Frackin' delivery charges are murder---and I'd have to part with another coffee table or two to justify it. Although I might bite the bullet for a couple of doors and maybe a banquette....

I want to replace the door between my house and garage: The old one doesn't seal worth anything, and in cold weather especially, it's noticable. I saw a decent used solid-core door for $10. Not sure how I'd get it home or get it installed once I had it there, but the price is certainly right.

Another long-dreamed-of project is removing the sliding glass doors and putting in one French door (for light) and a wall. Then, I'd like to tuck a banquette back there so the dining table would be a cozy corner table. Their French doors are running $20 less than Home Depot---I've checked! The fact that ReStore also had a whole slew of banquettes from some defunct seafood restaurant just makes it more do-able. I even have some plain white vinyl I could use to recover it.

J hasn't been able to get us tickets for State Fair yet, but last night, we watched Part 2 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which I hadn't seen, tho of course I've read the books. It was okay; my favorite part was Neville, but my canon and La Rowling's diverge on that, among other points. As we all know, I ship Neville/Draco (and I want to hook Luna up with Charlie Bucket of Willy Wonka fame).

We're having atypical February cold snap, which made me very happy this morning. Not only did I get to wear the divine size 24 dress (on which I had several compliments), I got to top it with my glorious retro cape-coat and "fur" pillbox hat. Said coat is black wool, has cape-style sleeves, with black "fur" trim at the collar and sleeves. Coat and hat combined always make me feel like a Glamourous Russian Spy.

Tonight is Supper Club, and although I *could* go, I've chosen not to, so as to help offset the price of the curtains. It's nice to be able to say that, and it NOT be because I can't even afford a bowl of soup, as it was a couple months ago!


clothing, slash, compliment, home improvement

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