
Feb 03, 2012 00:20

Still house-sitting.

Still no glasses.

Still haven't gotten to see One for the Money.

Still no sign of ANY of the things I had ordered and shipped here: books, LUSH, fabric swatches.

Still being driven crazy by the fence company, who tried to force me to pop for a survey. Funny how speaking with the owner and demanding my deposit back made THAT go away. Permit should be issued shortly; Monday is supposed to be installation day, but we'll see.

J has invited me to a play on Saturday: State Fair. I'm not familiar with it beyond thinking it's Rogers and Hammerstein---and I may be wrong about that, but am too lazy to look it up. She loves the theater but doesn't care to go alone. I like theater, too, and free is good.

Have been watching reruns of CSI: Miami---some so old they still have Tim Speedle in them---and was delighted to catch the two that introduce Kyle Harmon as H's son. What can I say? I cougar the heck out of the kid, I'm still annoyed that they wrote him out.

Currently reading 11/22/63, the latest Stephen King, where his time-traveling protagonist is going to try to stop the Kennedy assassination. It's about 800 pages, and I'm barely halfway through. That's okay, I've got it for a couple more weeks. Also read Hothouse Orchid by Stuart Woods. Not exactly a mystery or a thriller, but still fairly engaging.

I'm on the schedule for hospitality at church on Sunday. It's a voluntary thing; I signed up enthusiastically when I came into money, and this will be the third time in less than six weeks. Time to ease up and make other contributions, I think....

That's about it. TTFN.


theater, books, tv, house-sitting

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