Where have you been, Fluffy?

Jan 28, 2012 01:05

I've kept up with my f'list, but haven't been posting much because prolonged computing brings on The Headache. My glasses, which were supposedly going to be ready a week ago will alledgedly be here next week. Grrr. Sure do hope so, because driving is getting scary.

Next week, I'll be house-sitting for the C's---they're cruising, again---and went over this morning to check in, renew acquaintance with the doggies, the usual. Afterward, I *wanted* to go catch One for the Money, if only to see how badly they corrupted the source material. No such luck; I'd've had to wait two hours for the next show---so I went to see Contraband instead.

As the reviews suggest, Contraband is a solid, somewhat predictable action-thriller. I spotted one Mcguffin immediately, well in advance of its plot point status. I also guessed another trope a half-hour before it became obvious. That doesn't necessarily mean Contraband is badly written or executed, only that I view things as a writer, and understand the nuts and bolts of how that kind of smoke and mirrors works. Besides, it has Mark Wahlberg going for it; he's a good, solid actor, and he's likeable in this part. There wasn't as much Bill Lucking as I'd hoped---only two scenes, but at least he's getting work.

On the way home, I stopped by the pawn shop to see Bunny and snagged a few goodies. I saw Sweeney Todd when it came out in theaters, and have wanted to see it again purely for the Burton eye-candy of it all. Also grabbed Star Trek the reboot, which I've seen and like. Bunny made me a good deal on my purchases, and says we may be able to get together sometime after Valentine's Day.

I need to do laundry tomorrow so I'll have something to wear next week. I briefly considered just transporting it all and doing it over there, but I'd really rather use my own machine---they've got this space-age thing you practically need an engineering degree to use. I've never quite trusted it since the time it boiled one of my good bras to death.



eyeglasses, movie, house-sitting, movies

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