Weekend review and what I'm looking forward to this week

Jan 15, 2012 21:30

Yesterday, I ran around with Mb. Long day! Lunch, the ASPCA thrift store, Home Depot, followed by Target, WalMart (where Mb was looking for a new coffeepot---one of her cats killed her glass carafe) and Aldi. Then back to her place, and I hit my WalMart on my way home.

The ASPCA thrift is one I've been wanting to visit for quite a while. Being a Saturday, it was fairly busy, but I liked it and will go again. I got a great piece of fabric, 3 yards of a sturdy cotton with a classic red and white Hawaiian hibiscus print. Not sure what I'm gonna DO with it, but I'll think of something! Also got a couple bits of bling---two brooches and a bracelet. One pin was a leaping gazelle or impala, the other is an abstract thing that looks like Liberace's boomerang. The bracelet is plain chain and destined to be an extender for a necklace that's much too short. (I don't do choakers, but I got one with a pretty charm for Christmas.)

At Home Depot, I made my first investments from the card pwcorgigirl gifted me with for Xmas: I got a box of Mr Clean Magic Erasers, a tube of Super Glue, and a bag of concrete. Had a bear of a time with the bag---60 pounds of concrete is surprisingly dense and heavier that it seems.

I think what I'm going to end up doing is digging out the old mailbox, getting the hole to a size where it will accomodate the new one, putting it in there and shoveling the concrete powder into the hole a little at a time and wetting it down. Because frankly, I can't lift the damn thing out of my trunk, so that's the only way I can think of to do it.

It did get frosty last night, but I managed to stay comfy. Wore the ensemble I'd planned to church, and got some bad news: There's been a rash of thefts among area churches, and somebody pilfered our heating and a/c unit. We're insured, but it's still going to be a major pain, although as AI pointed out, "That's going to earn somebody some butt-ugly kharma."

Our guest speaker didn't show up---we figure he must've gotten his weeks mixed up---so a couple of the Buddhists pinch hit. Which was very nice of them...although one gal drove me to distraction---if I had ten cents for every time she said, "You know", I could've gone out for a steak dinner. It was a persistant verbal tic. Sometimes, she'd say it two or three times in a row. Arrrgh!

Movie night is next Friday. I'm really looking forward to it, partly because we haven't had movie night in a few months, partly because it's a Bogart classic, We're No Angels. Ah, Bogie!

Next month's discussion topic for CUUPs is suppossedly going to be "Dead Mothers", which wasn't what I expected when it was brought up. I *thought* they meant IRL, since most of the group is 50+ and is of an age to have lost a parent or two. They were talking about TV moms...okay, I can do that, too.

Now I'm home. And it's a funny thing; since I spent a few months having to make special trips to check my email/look things up/etcetera, I thought I'd be online contantly making up for lost time. Instead, I'm NOT checking my email every fifteen minutes. In fact, yesterday, I didn't turn my computer on at all! But it's so nice to have the option.

Glory be, I'm writing! I finally jumped in and started work on the idea I've had for Person of Interest fic. It's around the thousand-word mark and just getting started. Heaven knows how long it'll wind up---but I'm just happy that I have a plot taking root.

Have a good week, y'all! (I know I'm going to! Alcatraz debut Monday, Justified season premiere Tuesday, Royal Pains, White Collar and fresh PoI on Thursday. Yay!)


church, plot bunny, tv, cuups, writing, mb, thrifting, person of interest, shopping

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