Eye eye eye! (No, I'm not a triclopes!)

Jan 04, 2012 17:23

Ran around today, to the library (got 11/22/63), to drop a little something off for ang5fam (Finally, right?!), and then to the optical department at WalMart. Highest price yet--apparently they think my prescription is so complex that the lenses can only be ground from genuine diamonds by an order of dedicated monks in Kathmandu.

I will not be purchasing my glasses at WalMart.

My church friend's looking possible, no pun intended. I called her office to ask about their price for polycarbonate; they didn't flinch when I read out my 'scrip and the lens price wasn't unreasonable---Mb and I will make a run up there tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed: This is really starting to stress me out.

My bank card wouldn't work at Publix today. Called my bank, and THEY won't discuss it over the phone. I'm seriously considering going back to my old bank. Grr. I did not need this shit.

Bright note in my day, I nipped into the post office and collected what they've been holding for me. 'Zines, yay! And a package from Estonia, complete with a cute padded envelope printed with poinsettias (of which I'm fond). Several cute things were inside: a black drawstring bag printed with a dragon, some sparkly hair do-dads, and a pair of zippered leopard print pouches.

I'm still waiting for season 2 of Justified to arrive, although I did go with economy shipping, so I'm not surprised it hasn't. Thirteen days til season 2!

I'm tired, frustrated and I have a headache. It gets better, right?


eyeglasses, banking, stressed is desserts spelled backward

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