Hello, dahlings!

Dec 28, 2011 23:22

I'm baaack.

Did you miss me?

I sure missed youse guys, but it's all better now: I have an interweb of my own. (For how long remains to be seen, since the money won't last forever, but hopefully the dogs will.)

Anyway, I had a pleasant weekend. Christmas Eve, I visited first with CapeGypsy en famille at their place. She had a bonfire in the front yard, since her house is very small, and the weather was cooperative. (It was 80F and we were swatting mosquitos. Florida, gotta love it.) Next stop was ThunderBunny's, with her hub and, of course, Mb. Had pasta and something called a Jolly Rancher...yum. Exchanged gifts and watched The Hangover, which I enjoyed more than I'd expected from the premise.

Best part was Mb's reaction to her gift: I bought her a pin to replace one she'd lost at Disney, and she SQUEEE'd and gave me a full body hug. Thank you, eBay!

Oh, and did I mention J gave me an iPhone? She's calling it the company's phone, but she handed it to me on Christmas Eve, all wrapped up in blue and silber paper. It's made of awesome.

Christmas Day found me at church in the morning, then home, quietly playing with my new toy (having snagged a bunch of apps to entertain myself with before departing from J's).

Monday, I went and got a pair of New Balance trainers, on sale for $39.99, plus a coupon for an additional $10 off. My plans call for getting moving in 2012, and the cheap sneaks from Payless aren't gonna cut it.

Yesterday, I finally got my eyes examined---Mb driving, thank god!---because it was all a blur from being dilated. Got a scrip, though, and am searching online for some inexpensive new specs. (I'm correctable to 20/30, which is decent enough.) Spent the rest of the day at J's; Mb dropped me off and J drove me home. And I got more apps, natch.

Today the cable company came out and hooked me up. Between the first month and the past due balance, it was a chunk of change, but oh! The bliss of having more than two or three channels on tap is giddy! Plus, of course, the chance to browse yuletide---finally!

Tomorrow, I need to make some calls to set up appointments for people to come out and give me estimates for my fence. I'm really over everybody and his nasty younger brother traipsing through my yard! I'll be SO glad when the kids are back in school. Rotten little sods.

Tomorrow is also Person of Interest. It's been a couple years since I had anything to look forward to on Thursday nights, and I'm hooked.

I haven't forgotten about you, ang5fam. Hopefully, I'll get by there sometime between now and New Year's....


tv, technology, christmas, person of interest

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