Freudian slip...chlorowhatsis?

Sep 04, 2011 19:00

Yesterday, when J and I went to leave the "Please don't tow!" note on my car, there were a dozen pickup trucks with empty boat trailers parked in the nearby lot. I commented that it was a pretty day to be out fishing. J said she wouldn't mind going for a swim.

Bearing in mind that this is Florida and that there are often gators in natural bodies of water, I thought a swimming pool would be a better choice. (Gators as a football team, fine. As a swimming companion, not so much.) What came out of my mouth was, "I prefer chloroform."

Which amused the hell out of J. I think I (not so unconsciously, no pun intended) would like to be swimming in the river of Lethe. Sleep, sleep, sleep---let my problems go far, far away.

I meant to say "chlorine", of course---have I ever mentioned that I almost poisoned myself with bleach as a toddler? My mom had left a cup on top of the washing machine while she was off doing whatever. I saw the cup, picked it up and spilled it, but didn't actually drink it. Mom, however, freaked out, had Uncle Frank drive us to the ER, where it took three orderlies to hold me down while they pumped my stomach.

I took swimming lessons at the Y for a couple years, and generally preferred pools to anything else, with the exception of Lake George, NY, and the Atlantic Ocean. Although after seeing Jaws, I because wary of going in past my knees.

I prefer chlorine.


freudian slip, swimming

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