Of sucks and slashers (Okay, that's a Freudian typo if there ever was one. I meant to say DUCKS.)

Aug 20, 2011 18:35

The C's live on a canal, and there are ducks living in their backyard. (There's a bin of cracked corn out in the garage. These are well-fed, happy ducks.) There are a family of IDK ducks---the adults are irridescent black with white and have red faces, and at the moment, they have four (that I've counted) fluffy little yellow and black ducklins---so cute! There's also what AI refers to as "the glee club", a flock of 20 or so basic brown mallards who drop in to cadge corn. At least, she says they're mallards.

It rained like hell early this afternoon, and made the bucks quite frisky. For a little while, a pair of little tan morming doves was splashing about in the ducks' water font. Quite a little wildlife sanctuary they've got going here. According to AI, there's also a manatee living in the canal by their dock, but I've not seen it.

I had hot dogs for lunch and watched "My Bloody Valentine 3D", although *not* in 3D. Lately, I've been entertaining thoughts of a crossover I started a million years ago between MBV3D and "DeVour". Jake Gray has been released from prison after serving 10 years for the murder of his girlfriend They couldn't pin his parents' deaths on him, but there's still hard feelings in town, so he's out at his uncle's cabin, which he inherited. He's surviving off the land, and keeping to himself, when a visitor arrives.

Harry Warden has been drifting around the country, dominating Tom Hanniger's consciousness at his own whims. He ran across a true crime book about the Jake Gray case, and was delighted at the potential mayhem inherent in someone who looks like himself/Tom. What he *doesn't* know is Tom's psychic abilities, which have sharpened in prison out of self-defense. Jake always knows who's who, and he forges a relationship with both Tom and Harry, hoping to find a way to free Tom once and for all.

The working title is "Identity Crisis", although "Tom, Jake and Harry" is a possible. Oh, and did I mention it's slash? Because Jensen Ackles times THREE is as hot as it gets. Some of it is fairly evil, since Harry is NOT a nice guy.

Wicked heartburn from the 'dogs. I may have a root beer float to calm my stomach....


mbv, movie, house-sitting, devour, crossover, duckies

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