Comings and goings

Aug 09, 2011 00:34

It's my last night at the Fur Factory (aka Mb's). Tomorrow, the C's are off on their travels and I'm headed over there. I'll miss Mb's cooking and companionship. I'll also miss SO and Jazz the Wonder Akita. The cats, not so much....

Did I mention she acquired another one over the weekend?! It was lurking around the store where she buys her smokes, and she was afraid of its proximity to the highway. This brings the indoor total to six. There's a feral colony living in her yard, and while I haven't got an exact count on them, it's AT LEAST nine. Nothing exceeds like excess.

I visited with the C's last week, to discuss routines (their older dog is now taking daily glucosamine, for instance), and PJ has promised a choice selection of DVDs and the lastest Tom Clancy will await me in the guest room. Can you see why I enjoy staying there so much? It's climate-controlled, has a well-stocked pantry, great location, all the tech and extras---and the critters are delightful.

Maybe I should qualify that---their dog Rosie is an adorable little monster*, their older dog Bear is very mellow and no trouble at all, their cat, Gizmo, is a loner and only shows up to demand food, and the ducks...well, they're outside and over all, not that much trouble either.

In addition to critter-sitting, my goals are to reestablish something like a normal sleep schedule and, as always, to find a job, because otherwise, I'm not sure what I'm going to do for October's bills. (I'd sell a kidney, but how the heck do you market something like that, eBay? Craigslist? I doubt it!)


* Half Jack Russell terrier, half Cavalier King Charles spaniel. She's slender and shaped like a JR, but has a silky "feathered" coat like a CKC. SO cute, but more than a little spoiled. One thing I want to work on while I have her for a while is her habit of charging the door, barking at guests. This will be a challenge!


house-sitting, dogs

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