So far....

Jul 04, 2011 11:45

Made it to the food bank this morning for the first time in a few weeks. Got the usual canned goods, and a few happy surprises like some portobello mushrooms, chicken strips and a Boston creme pie. Woohoo! Pie!

Watched Leverage last night, first time in a while---I gave up on it midway through last season, being very dissatisfied with the quality of the writing. Last night was good, though. I LMAO at Nate's persona for the costume party (because I got the inside joke). Ditto how I guessed who la la...what? Lighten up, I'm not spoiling anything!

Church yesterday was interesting; AI introduced us to Bar Karma, which I'd never heard of, but it's a show on Current TV, and the really amazing thing about it is, it's fan-driven. Apparently, they post prompts on the show's website and take suggestions from cyber-fans.

image Click to view

I think a Bar Karma/Leverage crossover could be 57 varieties of awesome. And yes, that's William Sanderson behind the bar; I'm so happy he's still getting work! I've been fond of him ever since Blade Runner. And Repo Man. And I saw him in an ep of Trauma that J and I watched just the other day....

Brunch. It's definitely time for some solid food. I can't eat too early in the morning, but I've been up for several hours now, and I'm ready.


plot bunny, food bank, tv, leverage, church, bar karma

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