Home again, home again, jiggity-jig!

Feb 05, 2011 19:45

It may be a mess, but at least it's my mess. And the obnoxious neighbors are at least over there, and not in the living room bellowing. No, he isn't hard of hearing, he's just a bully. And he never shuts up. Mb says he's lonely, but when he has the TV on, why can't he watch the freaking TV and let me read quietly on the couch?!

Here, I can read in peace. And walk around in my underwear, or less and not scandalize anyone. My bed is less comfortable, but it's a platform and is much easier to get up from---gravity is good!---and the bathroom is not a hallway away in the middle of the night, and I *don't* have to leave a light on.

Hopefully, now that I'm back at my own desk, which is a sensible height, with a board at my side for my mouse and a chair whose height bears some relevance to the height of the desk et al, my wrist will stop hurting. I've made it this far without accquiring carpal tunnel, it's ridiculous that a week there should do it.

And WalMart. I'm thankful for my own happy little Wally right down the road, with its sensible and familiar layout. The Melbourne one is not laid out like any other WalMart I've ever seen, and it's wretched.

I'm looking forward to church tomorrow---it feels like I've missed much more than a week---and tomorrow evening is Supper Club. Huzzah!

I probably sound grumpy, which isn't my intent. It's just been a LONG week.


ETA: Just got off the phone after a long chat with GK---she's talking about coming down for a solo visit in March! This is excellent news! I'm motivated to get my living room cleared out so she can use my sofa bed; she's slept on it before at Kat's and has pronounced it comfortable. Fingers crossed that this plan comes to fruition....


home sweet home, gk

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