Last respects

Jan 26, 2011 19:15

I just got in and kicked off my shoes...I'm SO tired. I arrived at Susie's viewing shortly before 2. The service was at 3 and lasted about an hour, then we relocated for hospitality. Saw BC and NJ as local representatives of the C family. SBJB took the day off to be there, and even KW, who's probably Susie's oldest surviving friend---in terms of seniority, although probably age as well. (Not catty, just a fact.)

The clergyman who gave the eulogy has known J since forever---Susie, not so much---and while it was a perfectly competant homily, it really didn't reflect Susie. T spoke about how long he and Susie had been together, and how opposite they were when they first got together, and how her vivacious personality brought him out of his shell. J talked about how her mother always drove her to do the things she was afraid of, and how she'd learned from that.

I'd prepared some remarks, but somehow, between getting dressed and packing the calla lilies, I forgot to print them off. Was halfway down US1 when it dawned on me, and by then, there wasn't a whole lot I could do. Fortunately, it was fairly brief, and I remembered the gist, so I managed to carry on, regardless.


Susie had a strong respect for education and a life-long love of books. Her favorite authors were Piers Anthony, Stephen King and Jack London. She often talked about the novel she wanted to write, a time-traveling romance.

Her favorite fictional character was from "Beautiful Joe", a story she read and reread during her childhood. Its heroine, Miss Laura, helps rescue an abused dog and crusades for animal welfare. In all the time I knew her, Susie always had at least one dog and cat, usually more.

Susie really wasn’t a church goer, but one of the many coffee mugs in her collection had a prayer: “God, please help me be the person my dog thinks I am.” Another belief she treasured was the story of the Rainbow Bridge, where pets went after death to await their people.

I’m sure that when she passed, Susie was greeted by the numerous animal companions who had gone before her: Grover, Mama Cat, Tiger, Mariah, Stormy, and of course, Macs. That was Susie’s idea of Heaven, and I’m sure that when our time comes, she’ll be waiting for us there.


I ended up with two floral arrangements---not my own, but the one GK sent, of white flowers, mostly carnations, and one of house plants and cut flowers in a pretty seashell planter.

There was hospitality after the service at J's church. T was over it at that point; it ended up being about a dozen people: J, her neighbor C and sbjb were the only ones I knew. The food consisted of fried chicken, macaroni salad, beans, a truly brilliant shepherd's pie (YUM!!!) and brownies.

When the crowd has thinned, the three of us wound up at a table reminiscing. We all agreed that BC's references to Susie's drug use was unfortunate. (Hello, the grieving widower has a security clearance!) But BC has always been one of those folks who's very bright but somewhat lacking in good sense and tact. J got a huge, much-needed laugh out of one of SBJB's knitting projects. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was the "Penis Poop Waffle-knit Socks" that had her doubled-up and scarlet with laughter.

J and T both thanked me, although I don't really feel like I did anything. I was there because, where else would I be?



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