
Jan 09, 2011 16:56

Today has been a very mixed bag. Woke an hour before I needed to, not really worth going back to sleep.

Had a good talk by LadyWolfy on New Year's customs around the world, but I had a wretched headache and left directly after it was over. Didn't even stick around for hospitality.

Went to WalMart to cash my last piddly little check. Got caffeine---fuck it; too stressed to go through the decaf headache right now.

Tomight is CUUPs, and I would've gone---I put $10 worth of gas in my tank especially for that---but Mb called, and frankly, I'd rather hang with her. Especially since she offered to buy me dinner. Dude, I may be half-crazy, but I'm not stoopid.

She should be here to kidnap me shortly. I need to go set some timers. Later, gator!

cuups, mb, church

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