And there is fiction, and it is good (No, I'm not modest.)

Sep 15, 2010 01:00

Okay, I have posted my backlog of fic: one for Hitman (because there is something about Timothy Olyphant with a bar code that is just to die for, no pun intended), and two from SPN_Summergen: my WWI-era adventure (that you don't really need to know SPN the series to get), and my pinch-hit crossover with Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere---which explains it enough that I hope you'll want to try the book if you haven't already. That's what I've been up to for the last couple months, and I'd really like some love for them.

I would also like to know WTF this "pingback_bot" thing is that pops up every time I crosspost to a community. What the fuck, people?! It's isn't a comment, it doesn't seem to DO anything---I have no clue whether I should screen it, unscreen it, feed it magical mushrooms, what?

I know I should also crosspost to AO3, but the damn thing doesn't like me. It gets snarky if I even try to respond of comments: The comments and the tabs don't line up, it's a real pain in the ass. And importing? Ugh. That's *why* I've got 153 fics posted at the Pit of Voles and only 4 on AO3.

My DVDs (coming from Amazon) are in Orlando as of 5:02 PM Tuesday. With that proximity, they SHOULD be here tomorrow, oh happy day! I can see it now, me spending my week at Schnauzerland watching Trauma on the gonzo flat-screen TV in the blessed air-conditioning. There WILL be fic!

I'm really hoping that Igor will leech away some of our humidity. This summer needs to be OVER.


spn, weather, writing, trauma

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