70s oldies: Nostalgia I can live with

Aug 30, 2010 01:25

I've got one of the digital music channels set to 70s rock...occasionally, I find myself singing along with something I haven't heard or thought of in 30 years. The amount of brain-space that's apparently retaining useless pop lyrics is truly scary.

Caught up on a couple entries for the countdown, which part of me wishes I'd never started. I've gotten up to 2000, so it's the last decade that I have to dredge up, and that's proving difficult. There are things y'all really don't need to know all the details of. There's shit I flat out don't want to discuss, stuff that breaks my heart or pisses me off, or both at once.

I wrapped up a WIP, which I sent to foreverhermit as an "I hope you're feeling better" cheerer-upper. I'm trying to decide whether to sit on it for Come As You're Not, since it's a trope I've never tackled before. I mean, it's ONLY a little over two months away---I've been sitting on my SPN_Summergen fic for longer than that.

Seriously, I got the prompt on May 30th. I had my rough draft finished in 72 hours (What can I say? The prompt spoke to me!), spent a week and a half sending it to everyone and her sister to beta, was apparently the first person to submit (They aren't posting them in order received, I can tell you that much.), and there are AT LEAST ten more entries to post before the reveal (I counted the pinch-hit requests.). And since we all know there's going to be a glut of fic on the SPN boards after the reveal, I'll probably hold off on posting for a week or three after that.

My sleep schedule is buggered, too, which makes concentration less than ideal. I think my brain is broke....

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