Life is skittles and life is beer---!*

Apr 17, 2010 17:50

Spring has definitely sprung. Was out front weeding the hydrangeas a little bit ago and noticed that the confederate jasmine has ONE open flower and a zillion tiny green buds waiting to unfurl. (I give it not later than Monday before they start to pop in profusion.)

For the first few days, the air will be perfumed with the lush, almost vanilla scent of blossoms. Then it'll spend a week cloying, and then it'll be rank---between the fresh blossoms and the old dying ones, it's more like nasty scented rubbers. (Someone gave me a package of so-called scented condoms once, and asked later what they smelled like. "Latex," I answered succintly.)

At the moment, though, there's still the anticipation of how good it'll smell for that first sweet week. The hydrangeas aren't doing anything spectacular yet---it's been six weeks!---but they're still alive. I browsed the clearance plant corner at WalMart and picked up $1.50 worth of impatiens, which I massed in a planter on the front wall.

I need to transplant the biggest jade plant I interited from Kat. I used to have quite the collection of succulents, and I know that it needs a container with drainage, which its current vessel doesn't have. Two branches calved from it when I brought it home; I have them in pots, and they seem to be taking hold satisfactorily.

The "gardening" takes me all of ten minutes a day. Otherwise, I'm not accomplishing a damned thing. I'm trying to write, but there's no joy to it. Meh. I'm a mess.


* Come on, let's have a sing-along! "Spring is here, spring is here---"

obscure pop culture references, gardening, home improvement

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