A Hat...and what a hat!

Feb 18, 2010 16:05

Today's dog was cancelled, which doesn't bother me; I need to do laundry. It's in progress even as we speak: the first half of the first load is in the dryer. I read somewhere that one way to extend your washer's life is NOT to do back-to-back loads but to allow the motor time to cool down in between...so I've been drying half a load at a time, which gives the stuff in the dryer more room, so they dry faster.

Originally, I had planned a simple, sober plum ensemble for the funeral. Wide-legged pants, a sort of satiny-boucle top, nothing dramatic. Then yesterday, GK and I dropped some donations off at the Sharing Center and took a few minutes to go in and browse. I found A Hat. OMG, love at first sight, tried it on, HAD to have it. Had to. And because it has a veil, GK asked if I was going to wear it to the funeral. (Adding that she was going to have on a red dress.) Okay then. I guess I'll be more splendiferous than planned.

Let me describe The Hat to you, so you know why I hesitated. This is a High Church sort of hat. The shape is fedora over a round brim that curves down like a bowl. It's embellished with a two-toned flower, has two-toned band encircling the crown, and a wide-gage black fishnet veil. Oh, and the two tones? Are basic black and vivid lime green. The Hat itself is green felt, the band is green-on-black grosgrain, and the flower is small-gage stiff black tulle bound with green grosgrain. This is a Drop Dead sort of hat, and I think I'm the only person I know who'd try it on, much less buy it with the knowledge that I could rock it.

The more I think about it, the more sure I am that this is exactly the right thing to wear to Kat's funeral. Because if she had seen me wear it, she would have said, "Wow!" and not criticized me for wearing something "inappropriate". In the days before I got fashion (much the same as some of my other friends 'got religion'), she never said a word about how loose, tight, faded or ugly my clothes were. She was the most accepting, non-judgemental person I've ever known.

With that in mind, I'm going to wear the skirt S gave me last year, which has a black background and a print in tones of green, violet and aqua. I checked; it goes beautifully with The Hat. Which top will depend on Saturday's weather. I have assorted long- and short-sleeved tops in all three colors and can mix and match to suit the climate.

For tomorrow's viewing, I'm leaning toward navy (topped by my navy hat), rather than black, although that, too, will be weather-dictated.

Today feels like it should be a Friday, but I'm still rather out of it. I can't believe she's gone....

kat, clothes, hats

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